Diplomacy Report for Austria (AUT)

Game ID: deepseek-r1-1.56

Overall Stats

  • Avg Centers: 9.93, Final: 18
  • Avg Units: 7.68, Final: 12
  • Avg Influence: 14.98, Final: 29
  • Avg Self-Relationship: -0.51, Final: -0.67
  • Avg Others-Relationship: -0.54, Final: -1.00

Main Metrics

Relationships (Self-Perceived)

Relationships (Others → AUT)

Orders: Issued vs Valid vs Rejected

Negotiations / Dialogues

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [ITA]: Propose cooperation in the Balkans. I will move F TRI to ALB and support your move into GRE. Let's secure our southern flanks and divide the region. Non-aggression this turn?
  • To [TUR]: Let's contain Russian expansion. If you move F ANK to BLA, I can support your fleet into SEV. Together we can challenge RUS in the Black Sea.
  • To [GER]: Propose non-aggression. Focus on FRA or ENG while I handle the south. Your A MUN can move north without interference from AUT.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: To Austria, I am willing to discuss the Balkans. I have no immediate designs on Trieste, but I am interested in securing Bulgaria. Perhaps we can find a mutually beneficial arrangement regarding influence in the region. What are your thoughts?
  • From [RUS]: To AUT, we are willing to discuss the situation in Galicia. Perhaps we can come to an understanding that benefits both our nations. What are your intentions regarding RUM and the Balkans?
  • From [GER]: Austria, I propose a period of peaceful coexistence. I have no immediate plans to move against you, but I also cannot guarantee that I will not expand eastward eventually. Perhaps we can discuss a more formal agreement later. For now, let's focus on maintaining the status quo.
  • From [ITA]: Greetings Austria, I propose a non-aggression pact for the immediate future. I am interested in expanding elsewhere and would prefer not to fight you at this time. Perhaps we can coordinate against a common foe later. What are your thoughts?
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Let's avoid conflict in Galicia. If you move A WAR to UKR instead of GAL, I will not contest your claim on RUM. This allows you to pressure TUR while I secure SER. A temporary eastern front truce?
  • To [ITA]: Confirming non-aggression. Propose: F TRI to ALB with your A VEN supporting. Simultaneously, I'll support your F NAP convoying to TUN next season. Let's dominate the Adriatic and Mediterranean together.
  • To [TUR]: Your interest in BUL aligns with my need for SER. Move F ANK to BLA this turn, and I'll support your F BLA to SEV next season. Together we can check RUS while expanding southward. Agreed?
Received by AUT:
  • From [GER]: Austria, I accept your non-aggression proposal. I will move A MUN north. I suggest you focus on Italy. They are weak and divided. Perhaps we can carve up the Balkans together later.
  • From [ITA]: Austria, I accept your proposal. I will move A ROM to APU and support your F TRI to ALB. This secures our flanks and allows us to expand. Non-aggression this turn is agreed.
  • From [TUR]: To Austria, I am intrigued by your offer to support my fleet into Sevastopol. However, I am wary of being used as a pawn in your game against Russia. What guarantees can you offer that you will not betray me once Russia is weakened? Also, what is your plan for Bulgaria? I am interested in securing it.
  • From [RUS]: To AUT, Russia is willing to discuss Galicia, but our primary concern is RUM. We are open to a mutually beneficial arrangement in the Balkans, but only if it does not impede Russia's access to RUM. What specific proposals do you have regarding Galicia and RUM?
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [ITA]: Confirming coordination: F TRI to ALB with your A VEN support. Simultaneously, I'll support your F NAP to ION if you move there next. Let's take GRE and APU this season. Non-aggression holds.
  • To [TUR]: Guarantee: Support your F ANK to BLA this turn, then jointly attack SEV next season. You take BUL in Fall, I'll take SER. Coordinate Black Sea control. No betrayal - RUS is our mutual threat.
  • To [RUS]: Proposal: You take RUM via SEV support, I take SER. I'll order A BUD-SER and not enter GAL. In return, keep A WAR in place. This secures your southern flank against TUR. Agreed?
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: To Austria, I am still hesitant to commit to an attack on Sevastopol without a clearer understanding of your intentions in the Balkans. I am primarily interested in securing Bulgaria. What specific concessions are you willing to offer in exchange for my cooperation against Russia?
  • From [ITA]: Austria, I confirm non-aggression. I will support F TRI to ALB with A VEN. I agree to your proposal for F NAP convoying to TUN next season. Let's dominate the Adriatic and Mediterranean together. I will order F NAP C A ROM - TUN next turn.
  • From [RUS]: To AUT, we accept your offer regarding Galicia. A WAR will move to UKR. We expect you to honor your commitment to not contest our claim on RUM. We will observe your actions in SER closely. Do not attempt to double-cross us.
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [ITA]: Final confirmation: Execute F TRI-ALB with A VEN support. I'll support your F NAP convoy to TUN next season. Let's consolidate in ALB/GRE this turn. Non-aggression remains firm. Prepare to jointly pressure TUR's flank once Adriatic is secure.
  • To [TUR]: Guarantee: If you move F ANK-BLA now, I'll support your F BLA-SEV next season. You take BUL in Fall while I secure SER. RUS is our shared threat - let's divide their southern front. No hostile moves toward TRI/VEN.
  • To [RUS]: Honoring our agreement: A BUD-SER, no entry to GAL. Ensure A WAR-UKR as discussed. I'll enable your SEV-RUM claim. Let's maintain this front stability to counter TUR's ambitions. No surprises.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: To AUT, we confirm our agreement. A WAR will remain in UKR, and we expect you to honor your commitment regarding RUM and SER. Any deviation will be considered an act of war.
  • From [TUR]: To Austria, I will move F ANK to BLA this turn. I expect your support for my fleet into Sevastopol next season, and your commitment to allowing me to take BUL in the fall. I will also move A CON to BUL. Do not betray me.
  • From [ITA]: Austria, I am moving A VEN to ADR to support your F TRI to ALB. I am also moving F NAP to ION as agreed. I will order F NAP C A ROM - TUN next turn. Let's secure our gains in the Balkans and North Africa.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: No prior moves; S1901M is the opening phase. Secured non-aggression and tactical coordination with ITA (F TRI-ALB with A VEN support, future convoy plans). Reached tentative alliance with TUR against RUS (F ANK-BLA with promised support for SEV next season, mutual claims on BUL/SER). Formalized temporary truce with RUS (A BUD-SER, RUS holds GAL/UKR). GER maintains non-aggression but remains opportunistic.
  • Intent: Execute: A BUD-SER (supported by A VIE), F TRI-ALB (supported by ITA's A VEN). Honor agreements to stabilize eastern front (no GAL entry), enable TUR's Black Sea push, and consolidate Adriatic control with ITA. Prepare to pressure TUR's flank post-Adriatic dominance while managing RUS's southern ambitions.
  • Relationship Updates: ['AUT-ITA+', 'AUT-TUR+']

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [ITA]: Propose joint Adriatic control: Support F ALB to GRE with your F ION. In return, I'll support your consolidation in Apulia. Let's secure southern flank before TUR turns westward.
  • To [TUR]: RUS's F RUM threatens us both. Coordinate: Move A BUL to RUM with F BLA support. My A SER will support your attack. Crush their Black Sea position this season.
  • To [RUS]: Honor our truce - avoid GAL. Focus on GER's PRU/MUN. My forces will pressure TUR's BUL. Let's stabilize borders before winter.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, Austria. As agreed, Russia has moved A WAR to UKR. We appreciate your cooperation in Galicia and RUM. Let us continue to coordinate our efforts against Turkey.
  • From [GER]: To AUT, I propose a coordinated effort against Russia. I will move A PRU to WAR. Can you support this move from Galicia? This will put pressure on Russia and open up opportunities for both of us.
  • From [TUR]: Greetings Austria, I trust our alliance holds strong. As agreed, I have moved A CON to BUL and F ANK to BLA. I intend to support your move into Serbia. I propose we coordinate further to pressure Russia. What are your plans for Rumania?
  • From [ITA]: Greetings, Austria. Our initial moves went as planned. I propose we continue our coordination. I am considering a move into Tunis next turn. Would you be amenable to supporting this with your fleet in the Adriatic, should the opportunity arise? I will, of course, reciprocate in the future.
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [ITA]: Confirming Adriatic partnership: F ALB will support F ION to TUN. In exchange, request your F ION supports F ALB to GRE this season. Let's secure these SCs jointly before TUR turns west. Our fleets can dominate the Mediterranean together.
  • To [TUR]: Execute Rumania strike: Order A BUL to RUM with F BLA support. My A SER will support your attack. This dislodges RUS's fleet and gives you a critical foothold. I'll hold GAL to avoid provoking RUS further. Confirm coordination.
  • To [RUS]: Honoring our truce - A VIE will not enter GAL. Suggest you pivot A UKR to attack GER's PRU while they're distracted in BUR. My pressure on TUR's BUL will prevent southern reinforcements. Let's weaken mutual threats.
Received by AUT:
  • From [ITA]: Austria, I agree to your proposal for joint Adriatic control. I will support F ALB to GRE with F ION. I expect your support for my consolidation in Apulia as agreed. Let's coordinate our moves precisely to ensure success. What are your specific orders for next turn?
  • From [GER]: To AUT, I am moving A PRU to WAR. Can you support this move from Galicia? This will put pressure on Russia and open up opportunities for both of us. I need your confirmation to proceed.
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I appreciate your message. I agree that we should focus on Germany. I will support your efforts against Turkey in BUL. Let's coordinate our moves to maximize our gains. I suggest you move A VIE to GAL to pressure Germany further.
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [ITA]: Confirming orders: F ION supports F ALB to GRE. My A SER will support your A APU if needed. Let's secure GRE and APU this season. Our fleets can dominate the Adriatic together. Prepare for TUN convoy next year.
  • To [TUR]: Execute Rumania strike: Order A BUL to RUM with F BLA support. My A SER will support your attack. This removes RUS fleet and gives you SC. I'll block RUS retreat paths. Confirm coordination immediately.
  • To [RUS]: Honoring our agreement - A VIE moves west, not to GAL. Focus A UKR on GER's PRU while they're weak. My pressure on TUR's BUL prevents southern reinforcements. Let's crush mutual threats.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I concur. I will order A BUL to RUM with F BLA support. Please ensure A SER supports this attack. This will cripple Russia's Black Sea fleet. I await your confirmation of support.
  • From [GER]: To AUT, I am moving A PRU to WAR. I need your support from Galicia to ensure success. Confirm your support immediately. This is a critical opportunity to weaken Russia.
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I appreciate your commitment to our agreement. I will move A UKR to WAR as you suggested. I will support your efforts against Germany and Turkey. Let's coordinate our moves to maximize our gains. I suggest you move A SER to RUM to take it from Turkey.
  • From [ITA]: Austria, I will support F ALB to GRE with F ION as agreed. However, I will not support F ALB to TUN. My fleet is needed elsewhere. I expect your full support for my move into Tunis next turn. Let's focus on securing our immediate gains before overextending.
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Final confirmation: Execute RUM attack. Order A BUL-RUM with F BLA support. My A SER will support your move. This eliminates RUS fleet and secures your SC. I'll block retreat paths. Our alliance tightens control of Balkans.
  • To [ITA]: Confirm F ION supports F ALB-GRE as agreed. My A SER stands ready to assist your Apulia consolidation. Let's lock down Adriatic dominance this season. Prepare for TUN convoy next year once GRE secured.
  • To [RUS]: Honoring truce - no GAL moves. Focus A UKR on GER's PRU while they're distracted. My pressure on TUR's BUL prevents southern reinforcements. Crush Germany's eastern flank and we both prosper.
Received by AUT:
  • From [GER]: To AUT, I am moving A PRU to WAR. I needed your support from Galicia to ensure success, but you have failed to provide it. I will remember this lack of commitment. Consider our alliance strained.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I have ordered A BUL to RUM with F BLA supporting. Ensure A SER supports as well. Let's crush Russia's Black Sea fleet. I expect your support.
  • From [ITA]: Austria, I am moving A APU to VEN and A VEN to PIE. F ION supports F ALB to GRE as agreed. I expect your A SER to support my A APU to VEN if needed. Let's solidify our gains and prepare for future expansion. I will need your support for a convoy to Tunis next turn.
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I appreciate your commitment to our agreement. I will move A UKR to WAR. I will support your efforts against Germany and Turkey. Let's coordinate our moves to maximize our gains. I suggest you move A SER to RUM to take it from Turkey.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: AUT moved A BUD-SER and F TRI-ALB, securing Serbia and Adriatic access. RUS captured RUM with F SEV-RUM, TUR positioned A BUL and F BLA nearby. ITA consolidated in Apulia with A ROM-APU. Secured ITA's F ION support for F ALB-GRE in exchange for Apulia backing. Coordinated TUR's A BUL-RUM attack with A SER and F BLA support. Rejected GER's request for GAL support to attack WAR, provoking tension. Maintained truce with RUS by avoiding GAL moves while encouraging their focus on GER.
  • Intent: Support TUR's A BUL-RUM via A SER. Move F ALB-GRE with ITA's F ION support. Keep A VIE west (TYR/BOH) to avoid RUS conflict. Prepare Adriatic dominance for future TUN convoy. Let TUR-RUS clash in Balkans while containing GER-RUS conflict.
  • Relationship Updates: ['GER-AUT-']

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Propose coordinated attack on Russia: Move A RUM to SEV with support from A BUD. In return, support A SER to BUL with F BLA. Together we can weaken their southern flank.
  • To [ITA]: Let's target Germany. Support A TYR's move to MUN with your A VEN. I'll support your F ION into AEG. Strengthen our positions against common threats.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, Austria. I propose a coordinated attack against Germany. I will move A WAR to GAL to support your efforts in BUD. Can you support my move into RUM with A SER? Let me know your intentions.
  • From [GER]: AUT, I propose a coordinated strategy against RUS. I am concerned about their expansionist tendencies in the east. I plan to move A LVN to STP to contain them. I would like to know if you are willing to support this move by positioning your forces to deter RUS aggression in the south. A coordinated effort will benefit both of us.
  • From [ITA]: Greetings, Austria. As agreed, I am moving A APU to VEN and A VEN to PIE. F ION will support F ALB to GRE. I trust A SER will support my A APU to VEN as needed. Let me know if you have any concerns.
  • From [TUR]: Greetings Austria, I trust our coordinated attack on Rumania was satisfactory. I propose we continue our alliance and focus on dislodging Russia from Sevastopol. I intend to move A ARM to Sevastopol this turn. Can I count on your support?
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Confirming support for your attack on SEV. A BUD will support A RUM - SEV. Request F BLA support for A SER - BUL to secure the region. Let's crush Russia together.
  • To [ITA]: Propose joint strike on Germany: Support A TYR - MUN with your A VEN. I'll support your F ION into AEG. This will weaken our common threat and expand our influence.
  • To [RUS]: Regrettably, I cannot support your RUM move as it violates existing agreements. However, I encourage you to focus on containing Germany's expansion in the north. We may find alignment soon.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Greetings Austria, I agree to your proposal. A RUM to SEV with support from A BUD. I will support A SER to BUL with F BLA. Let us crush the Russian bear together. I will also move A ANK to BUL via CON.
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I will move A WAR to GAL to support your efforts in BUD. Can you support my move into RUM with A SER? I need confirmation of your intentions this turn.
  • From [ITA]: Austria, I cannot support A TYR to MUN. My priority is securing the Adriatic and preparing for expansion into Tunis. I will, however, support your F ALB to GRE as agreed. I am also open to discussing future joint operations against TUR after we consolidate our positions.
  • From [GER]: AUT, I am moving A LVN to STP to contain RUS. I need you to position your forces to deter RUS aggression in the south. Specifically, can you move A TYR to GAL? This will create a strong defensive line and deter any RUS advances. Your cooperation is essential for our mutual security.
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Final confirmation: A BUD supports A RUM-SEV, F BLA supports A SER-BUL. With Russia crushed in the south, we split BUL and SEV. I will honor our agreement - no moves against your positions. Let's solidify our Balkan dominance.
  • To [ITA]: Propose Adriatic consolidation: Support my A TRI-VEN with your A VEN. In return, I'll support your F ION-AEG to threaten Turkish CON. This secures our flank and opens Mediterranean opportunities. Coordinate?
  • To [GER]: I will keep A TYR passive this turn to avoid western entanglements. Focus your forces against RUS in the north. Non-aggression in Bavaria/Tyrol benefits us both. Confirm?
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Greetings Austria, I am glad we are in agreement. I will support A SER to BUL with F BLA. I am also moving A ANK to BUL via CON. Let us coordinate our attacks to ensure success. I expect Sevastopol to fall this turn.
  • From [GER]: AUT, I am moving A LVN to STP. I still need you to move A TYR to GAL. This is crucial to deter RUS. Your failure to act will be seen as a sign of weakness and will force me to reconsider our agreement. I urge you to reconsider.
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I understand your position on RUM. However, I still need your support against GER. Will you move A SER to BUL to pressure TUR and prevent them from reinforcing RUM? I will move A WAR to GAL to support your efforts against GER.
  • From [ITA]: Austria, I am not interested in attacking Germany at this time. My focus remains on the Adriatic and North Africa. I will continue to support your move into Greece, but I cannot divert resources to Germany. I am, however, increasingly concerned about your presence in Tyrolia. I suggest we discuss a long-term solution for that region.
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Final confirmation: A BUD supports A RUM-SEV. Ensure F BLA supports A SER-BUL. With Russia expelled from the Balkans, we split BUL/SEV. I will honor our agreement and pivot west to contain Italy if needed.
  • To [ITA]: F GRE will support F ION-AEG to pressure Turkish CON. Propose mutual non-aggression in Tyrol/Adriatic. Let's solidify our flank and discuss Tunis convoys next season. A TYR remains passive this turn.
  • To [GER]: A TYR will not move to GAL. Focus your forces against RUS in the north while we crush their southern front. Non-aggression in Bavaria/Tyrol remains beneficial. Do not test our resolve.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I am moving A WAR to GAL to support your efforts against GER. I need you to move A SER to BUL to keep pressure on TUR. This is our last chance to coordinate. Do not fail me.
  • From [TUR]: Greetings Austria, I trust our coordinated attack will be successful. I am counting on your support for A SER to BUL. I will move A ANK to BUL via CON. Let us secure the Balkans and divide the spoils. I expect Sevastopol to fall this turn.
  • From [GER]: AUT, your refusal to move A TYR to GAL is noted. I will proceed with my plans against RUS, but I will remember your lack of support. Do not expect any further assistance from me in the future. I will move A LVN to STP.
  • From [ITA]: Austria, I am done negotiating with you. I will not support your moves. I am now considering an alliance with Germany against you. Do not expect any further cooperation from Italy.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: Expanded Balkan control via F ALB-GRE and A VIE-TYR in F1901M. Built A BUD and A TRI in W1901A to consolidate position. Coordinated with TUR to dislodge RUS from RUM via A SER support. Secured TUR alliance: mutual support for A RUM-SEV (A BUD) and A SER-BUL (F BLA). ITA initially cooperative but refused German front support, then turned hostile over Tyrolia. GER demanded A TYR-GAL support against RUS; refusal worsened relations. RUS attempted last-minute coordination but was rebuffed. ITA abandoned negotiations, threatening German alliance.
  • Intent: Execute TUR pact: A BUD supports TUR's A RUM-SEV. A SER moves to BUL with F BLA support. F GRE holds to deter ITA. A TYR remains passive to avoid provoking GER/ITA. Prepare to pivot west if ITA hostility escalates.
  • Relationship Updates: ['AUT-ITA-', 'AUT-GER--']

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: AUT will support your A RUM - SEV with A BUD. Request TUR F BLA support to hold A BUL against potential threats. Propose joint pressure on Italy: A TYR - VEN with TRI support. Let us solidify our Balkan gains and neutralize Italian aggression.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, our coordinated attack on Sevastopol failed. I propose we try again. I will move A RUM to SEV, supported by A BUD. Will you support this move? Also, I will move A ANK to BUL via CON. Can you support A SER to BUL?
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, Austria. I trust our agreement holds firm. I am moving A UKR to WAR to support your efforts against Germany. What are your intentions regarding Galicia and Silesia this turn?
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: AUT confirms support for A RUM - SEV via A BUD. Propose coordinated strike on Italy: A TYR and A TRI will attack VEN. Request TUR F BLA support to block ITA's F ADR. Secure BUL together—A BUL holds while you focus east.
  • To [RUS]: AUT honors our truce: no moves into GAL/SIL. Focus your forces against GER in WAR. We will contain TUR's Balkan ambitions post-SEV. Coordinate via UKR if GER weakens.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I appreciate your continued cooperation. I am moving A UKR to WAR as planned. What are your moves this turn? I suggest we coordinate our attacks on GER to maximize our gains.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I agree to support A SER to BUL with F BLA. I will also support A TYR to VEN with TRI. Let's coordinate our moves to secure the Balkans and contain Italy. I will move A RUM to SEV, supported by A BUD. Please confirm your support for A SER to BUL.
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Confirmed: A BUD supports A RUM - SEV. Execute VEN strike: A TRI and A TYR attack with mutual support. Request F BLA support to defend A BUL. Consolidate Balkans and crush Italy's Adriatic ambitions.
  • To [RUS]: No AUT moves into GAL/SIL per our agreement. TUR threatens SEV - recommend reinforcing. Focus on GER in WAR while we contain TUR's western flank. Coordinate if opportunities arise.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I am pleased to hear you honor our truce. I will move A UKR to WAR. I suggest you move A BUD to GAL to pressure GER. What are your specific moves this turn?
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I confirm A RUM to SEV supported by A BUD. I will also support A SER to BUL with F BLA. I agree to the coordinated strike on Italy. A ANK will move to BUL via CON. Let's crush Italy and Russia.
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Final execution: A TRI and A TYR attack VEN with mutual support. Hold BUL to secure our Balkan gains. Request F BLA support to block ITA's F ADR from reinforcing. Crush Italy's Adriatic ambitions and pivot eastward post-victory.
  • To [RUS]: Honoring truce - no GAL/SIL moves. TUR overextends in SEV; strike their exposed flank via UKR while we pressure west. GER's MUN is vulnerable if you advance from WAR. Coordinate via GAL if opportunities arise.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I am moving A RUM to SEV supported by A BUD, A ANK to BUL via CON, and F BLA supports A SER to BUL. Let's crush Russia and Italy together. I expect your full cooperation.
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I am moving A UKR to WAR. I trust you will capitalize on this and press into GER territory. Let me know your specific moves so I can best support you.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: In S1902M, AUT moved A SER to BUL, supported A TRI with A TYR, and held F GRE. TUR's coordinated attack on SEV with RUS failed. ITA seized TRI, prompting AUT to plan a counterstrike. Secured TUR's cooperation: AUT supports TUR's A RUM-SEV via A BUD, while TUR supports A SER-BUL with F BLA. Coordinated strike on ITA's VEN using A TRI/TYR. Maintained truce with RUS: no GAL/SIL moves. Promised to contain TUR's Balkan expansion post-SEV. TUR pledged to pressure ITA's Adriatic flank.
  • Intent: Execute VEN attack: A TRI-VEN (supported by A TYR) and A TYR-VEN (supported by TRI). Support TUR's A RUM-SEV via A BUD. Hold BUL with TUR's F BLA support. Monitor RUS-GER conflict in WAR and TUR's eastern moves.
  • Relationship Updates: ['AUT-TUR++', 'AUT-ITA--']

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Our pact holds strong. Propose: I attack TRI with A TYR (supported by A VIE) to crush Italy's Adriatic grip. Your F BLA supports A BUL-SER to consolidate Balkans. My F GRE will move to ION, threatening Naples. Coordinate strikes on ROM and TUS to eliminate Italy completely.
  • To [RUS]: GER masses in BOH/MUN - your UKR/WAR forces could cripple them. I'll ensure TUR doesn't reinforce from the south. Focus on WAR and BOH; we'll both benefit from German collapse. No moves toward GAL/RUM from my side.
  • To [ITA]: Your position crumbles. GER abandons you in Tyrolia while TUR eyes Naples. Surrender TRI peacefully, and I may spare your core. Resist, and Vienna's armies will raze Rome.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: To Austria, we propose a coordinated attack on Germany. I will move A UKR to WAR to support your efforts. Can you confirm your moves against GER this turn?
  • From [TUR]: Greetings Austria. Our combined efforts have yielded significant gains. I propose we continue our coordinated assault. I will move A RUM to SEV supported by A BUD, A ANK to BUL via CON, and F BLA supports A SER to BUL. Do you concur?
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Agreed. A BUD will support A RUM-SEV. Request F BLA supports A BUL to hold while we crush Italy. A TYR & VIE attack TRI - coordinate Adriatic dominance. Balkan security benefits us both.
  • To [RUS]: Execute your German strike. I'll contain TUR's Balkan ambitions. Push WAR/BOH aggressively - MUN is vulnerable. No moves toward GAL/RUM from my forces.
  • To [ITA]: Final warning: Abandon TRI or face total war. GER won't save you - their armies are pinned in BOH. Retreat to TUS/APU and live. Resist and lose Rome.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I concur with your plan. I will execute my moves as stated. However, I will not support an attack on Venice at this time. My priority is securing the Balkans. F BLA will support A SER to BUL. A RUM to SEV supported by A BUD, A ANK to BUL via CON. Let us focus on Russia and the Balkans first.
  • From [RUS]: To Austria, I confirm my move of A UKR to WAR. I expect you to press your advantage against GER in BOH and MUN. Let's cripple them together. I will also move A MOS to SEV to keep pressure on TUR.
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Confirmed: A BUD supports A RUM-SEV. F GRE moves to ION to threaten Italy's rear. Hold BUL with F BLA support. Once TRI falls, we'll split Italy's carcass - you take Naples, I secure Adriatic. Maintain Balkan unity.
  • To [RUS]: Crush GER in WAR/BOH - their MUN is exposed. My A TYR pressures BOH flank. TUR's SEV move distracts their forces. Capture MUN and we'll partition Germany. No moves toward GAL per our agreement.
  • To [ITA]: TRI falls this turn. Retreat A TUS to PIE or face annihilation. GER can't save you - their BOH army is crumbling. Surrender ROM peacefully next season or my A VEN marches south with TUR's fleets.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: To Austria, I am moving A UKR to WAR as agreed. Press your attack on Germany. I will keep pressure on Turkey. Do you have any specific requests for support?
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I will support A SER to BUL with F BLA. A RUM to SEV supported by A BUD, A ANK to BUL via CON. I need your support for these moves. I will not attack Venice at this time. Focus on Russia and the Balkans first. Do you agree to support my moves as stated?
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Confirmed coordination: A BUD supports A RUM-SEV. Our F GRE moves to ION to threaten Italy's rear. Hold BUL with F BLA support. After TRI falls, we'll divide Italy - you take NAP while we secure ADR. Maintain Balkan unity against RUS.
  • To [RUS]: Crush GER in WAR/BOH - their MUN is exposed. My A TYR pressures BOH's flank. TUR's SEV move distracts their forces. Capture MUN and we'll partition GER. No moves toward GAL per our agreement.
  • To [ITA]: TRI falls today. Retreat A TUS to PIE or face annihilation. GER can't save you - their BOH army crumbles. Surrender ROM next season or A VEN marches south with TUR's fleets. Final warning.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: To Austria, I have moved A UKR to WAR. Press your attack on Germany. I will keep pressure on Turkey. Let us crush Germany together.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I am moving A RUM to SEV supported by A BUD, A ANK to BUL via CON, and F BLA supports A SER to BUL. I expect your full support for these moves. Let us crush Russia together.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: Winter 1902: Austria built A VIE, Germany built A MUN, Russia disbanded F STP, Turkey built A ANK. Italy retreated A VEN to TUS. Secured Turkish alliance (A RUM-SEV supported by A BUD; F BLA supports A SER-BUL). Coordinated with Russia to attack Germany (A UKR-WAR). Threatened Italy to abandon TRI. Turkey prioritized Balkan consolidation over Venice, while Russia agreed to pressure GER. No overt betrayals yet.
  • Intent: Crush Italy: A TYR + A VIE attack TRI. Support Turkish A RUM-SEV via A BUD. Move F GRE-ION to threaten Naples. Maintain pressure on GER via A TYR-BOH coordination with Russia. Force Italian collapse through TRI capture and threats against ROM.

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Propose coordinated strike on Italy. I will convoy A VEN to NAP via F ION to seize their SC. Request your F BLA support A BUL-GRE to consolidate Balkans. Our alliance can dismantle Italy swiftly. Confirm your RUM/SEV plans.
  • To [RUS]: Honor our truce. Focus on GER's SIL and WAR. I will avoid GAL. If you pressure MUN from BOH, we can cripple Germany together. No moves against your southern flank.
  • To [ITA]: Your position is untenable. Surrender TRI peacefully and withdraw from ROM/NAP, or face annihilation. Austria-Turkey alliance will crush all resistance. Negotiate terms now.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Greetings Austria. Our attack on Sevastopol failed. I propose we coordinate more closely this turn. I will move A RUM to SEV supported by A BUD. Can you support A SER to RUM? I will also move A CON to BUL to keep pressure on Russia.
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, Austria. I propose a coordinated attack on Germany. I will move A UKR to WAR to support your efforts. Can you confirm your moves against GER this turn?
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Confirmed: A BUD will support A RUM-SEV. Execute Adriatic strike: F ION moves to NAP while A VEN attacks ROM with TRI's support. Propose joint occupation of Italian SCs. Coordinate F BLA to block Russian interference in BUL.
  • To [RUS]: Honor our truce - focus forces against GER. Push A UKR-WAR and A MOS-SIL to collapse their eastern front. I will divert GER's attention via TYR. No Austrian moves into GAL/UKR.
  • To [ITA]: Final warning: Withdraw F ALB and abandon ROM/NAP immediately. Austria-Turkey fleets will crush your remnants. Surrender TRI for safe passage to TUS. Resistance means annihilation.
Received by AUT:
  • From [FRA]: France is committed to maintaining peace and stability in Europe. We will not tolerate aggression from any power. We are open to negotiations with all nations, but we will not be intimidated. Let us work together to create a better future for all.
  • From [TUR]: Greetings Austria. I agree to support A SER to RUM. I will move A RUM to SEV supported by A BUD, and A CON to BUL. However, I am not ready to attack Italy yet. Let us focus on Russia first. I will support A BUL to GRE next turn, but I need time to consolidate my position in the Black Sea. I will not support a convoy to NAP at this time.
  • From [ITA]: Your threats are meaningless. I will not surrender TRI. Your alliance with TUR is irrelevant. I will crush you. Prepare for my attack on VEN. I will not negotiate with you.
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I am pleased to hear you will focus on GER's SIL and WAR. I will move A UKR to WAR to support your efforts. I will also move A MOS to SEV to pressure TUR. Can you confirm your moves against GER this turn? I need to know if you will pressure MUN from BOH.
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Confirmed: A BUD supports A RUM-SEV. Move A BUL-GRE to consolidate Balkans. F ION will strike NAP to cripple Italy. Request F BLA support to block Russian interference in BUL. Our combined pressure will collapse their defenses.
  • To [RUS]: Execute GER's collapse: Push A UKR-WAR and A MOS-SIL. I will threaten MUN via A VIE-BOH to split their forces. Honor truce - no moves into GAL. Share your SIL/WAR plans for coordination.
  • To [ITA]: Final warning: Abandon TRI and ROM immediately. F ION seizes NAP this turn. Withdraw F ALB or face total destruction. Austria-Turkish fleets leave you no escape route. Surrender or perish.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I am moving A UKR to WAR to support your efforts against GER. I am also moving A MOS to SEV to eliminate the Turkish threat. Can you confirm your moves against GER this turn? Will you pressure MUN from BOH?
  • From [FRA]: France is committed to maintaining peace and stability in Europe. We will not tolerate aggression from any power. We are open to negotiations with all nations, but we will not be intimidated. Let us work together to create a better future for all. GER is the primary threat to European stability.
  • From [TUR]: Greetings Austria. I will proceed with A RUM to SEV supported by A BUD, and A CON to BUL. I will also support A SER to RUM. I cannot support your attack on Italy this turn. Russia is moving A MOS to SEV. I need your support to defend against this attack. Can you support A RUM to SEV with A BUD, and F BLA to support A CON to BUL?
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Execute final plan: A BUD supports your A RUM-SEV. Move A BUL-GRE with F BLA support. F ION seizes NAP to collapse Italy. Confirm coordination - our Balkan dominance is assured. Russia's SEV attack must be crushed.
  • To [RUS]: Strike GER's weak points: Push A UKR-WAR and MOS-SIL. I will pressure MUN via BOH to split their forces. Maintain truce - no Austrian moves into GAL. Crush Germany swiftly before TUR turns north.
  • To [ITA]: Last chance: F ION occupies NAP this turn. A TRI/VEN dismantle your core. Surrender TRI immediately and withdraw F ALB to avoid total destruction. Resistance means losing all Italian SCs by winter.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I am moving A UKR to WAR. I expect you to pressure MUN from BOH. Let us crush GER together. I will also move A MOS to SEV to eliminate the Turkish threat.
  • From [TUR]: Greetings Austria. I will proceed with A RUM to SEV supported by A BUD, and A CON to BUL. I will also support A SER to RUM. I need your support to defend against Russia's attack on Sevastopol. Ensure A BUD supports A RUM to SEV, and F BLA supports A CON to BUL. Let us crush Russia together.
  • From [FRA]: France is committed to maintaining peace and stability in Europe. We will not tolerate aggression from any power. We are open to negotiations with all nations, but we will not be intimidated. Let us work together to create a better future for all. GER is the primary threat to European stability.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: AUT consolidated TRI via coordinated moves from TYR/VEN/VIE, advanced F ION. GER clashed with FRA in BEL/BUR. ITA attempted VEN attack but retreated F TRI to ALB. TUR pushed into BUL while RUS pressured SEV. Secured TUR's commitment to SEV/BUL moves via A BUD support and F BLA coordination. TUR delayed anti-ITA action, prioritizing Russia. RUS agreed to attack GER in WAR/SIL, expecting AUT pressure on MUN. ITA rejected ultimatums. FRA declared neutrality but labeled GER as primary threat.
  • Intent: Execute Balkan dominance: A BUD supports TUR's A RUM-SEV; A BUL-GRE with TUR's F BLA support. Cripple ITA via F ION-NAP convoy. Pressure GER indirectly by supporting RUS's WAR/SIL push. Defend TRI/VEN against ITA. Maintain TUR alliance while exploiting RUS-GER conflict.
  • Relationship Updates: ['AUT-ITA--', 'AUT-TUR++']

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Our alliance dominates the Balkans. Propose coordinated strikes: I will support your A RUM-SEV with A BUD while attacking Italy's VEN via A TRI + APU. F ION will pressure Naples. Let's eliminate Italy and pivot against Russia's weakened southern flank.
  • To [RUS]: Germany's grip on BEL and BOH threatens us both. If you press WAR/SIL, I will divert German forces by threatening BOH from TYR. Non-aggression in GAL/BUD preserves our strength against Berlin.
  • To [ITA]: Your Adriatic position collapses. Withdraw F ADR to ION peacefully, and I'll spare VEN. Resist, and TRI/APU/ION will crush you. France won't save you - they're busy with Germany.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, Austria. I trust our alliance remains strong. I am moving A MOS to SEV to pressure Turkey. I will also move A WAR to UKR to support your efforts against Germany. Let me know your plans for this turn.
  • From [TUR]: My Austrian ally, I propose the following moves to secure our dominance in the Balkans and against Russia: A CON to BUL, supported by F BLA. A RUM to SEV, supported by A BUD. This will finally dislodge the Russian menace from Sevastopol. I will also support A SER to RUM. Do you agree?
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Agreed. A BUD will support A RUM - SEV. A TRI and A APU will attack VEN with F ION moving to AEG to cut Italian support. Request your F BLA support A BUL - CON to secure the Balkans. Let's crush Italy and turn on Russia next.
  • To [RUS]: Your plan is sound. A VIE will move to TYR, threatening BOH and diverting German forces. Press WAR and SIL hard. We'll maintain non-aggression in GAL. Let's dismantle Germany together.
  • To [ITA]: Final warning: Withdraw F ADR to ION and abandon VEN. Resist, and TRI/APU/ION will obliterate your forces. France cannot save you. Surrender now to avoid annihilation.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I appreciate your support against Germany. I am moving A WAR to UKR to support your efforts. I will also move A MOS to SEV to pressure Turkey. Let's coordinate our attacks on Germany this turn. What are your specific moves?
  • From [TUR]: My Austrian ally, I agree with your assessment. Let us crush Italy and then turn our attention to Russia. I will support your moves against Venice with A RUM to SEV, supported by A BUD. I will also move A CON to BUL, supported by F BLA, and A SER to RUM. This will secure the Balkans and allow us to focus on Russia's weakened southern flank. Let me know if you have any other suggestions.
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Confirmed coordination: A BUD supports your A RUM-SEV. Our A TRI and APU will crush VEN with F ION blocking retreats. Your F BLA supporting A BUL-CON secures the Balkans. Italy's collapse will free our forces to handle Russian overextension in the south.
  • To [RUS]: Execute SIL/WAR offensive - A VIE moves to TYR to threaten BOH and split German forces. Honor GAL non-aggression. After Germany's fall, we'll jointly address Turkish ambitions. Beware their A CON-BUL maneuver threatening your southern flank.
  • To [ITA]: Last chance: Withdraw F ADR to ION and abandon VEN by midnight. Refusal means TRI/APU/ION triple assault. France's armies in Gascony won't reach you in time. Choose survival or annihilation.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, our alliance is paramount. I am proceeding with A WAR to UKR and A MOS to SEV. Coordinate your attack on Germany. I expect you to press hard on WAR and SIL. Let me know if you require support.
  • From [TUR]: My Austrian ally, I concur with your plan. A BUD will support A RUM - SEV. I will move A CON to BUL, supported by F BLA. I will also support A SER to RUM. However, I will not support A BUL - CON. I need that unit to move elsewhere. I suggest A BUL to SER. F BLA will support A SER to RUM. This secures the Balkans and allows us to focus on Russia's weakened southern flank. I will also support your moves against Venice with A RUM to SEV, supported by A BUD. Let me know if you have any other suggestions.
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Final coordination: A BUD supports A RUM-SEV. A BUL will move to SER with your F BLA support. Our A TRI and A APU attack VEN with F ION blocking retreats. Post-Italy, we pivot to Russia's southern flank. Confirm orders.
  • To [RUS]: Executing A VIE-TYR to threaten BOH and split German forces. Press WAR/SIL aggressively - I'll disrupt German reinforcements. Maintain GAL non-aggression. Beware Turkish A CON-BUL threatening your SEV flank post-move.
  • To [ITA]: Your Adriatic collapse is inevitable. Withdraw F ADR to ION and abandon VEN immediately. Refusal triggers A TRI/APU assault + F ION blockade. France cannot aid you. Surrender or face annihilation.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I am moving A MOS to STP. I expect you to press your attack on Germany. Let me know if you need support. We will deal with Turkey after Germany is defeated.
  • From [TUR]: My Austrian ally, I am confirming our coordinated moves. A BUD supports A RUM - SEV. A CON to BUL, supported by F BLA. A SER to RUM. I trust your moves against Venice will be successful. Let us crush Italy and then turn our attention to Russia.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: Retreated A VEN to APU in F1903R. France built A BRE in W1903A, expanding western presence. Finalized coordination with TUR: A BUD supports TUR's A RUM-SEV, A BUL-SER (with TUR's F BLA support), and joint assault on ITA's VEN via A TRI/APU + F ION. Secured RUS's commitment to attack GER via WAR-UKR/SIL while AUT pressures BOH via A VIE-TYR. Threatened ITA with annihilation if they resist withdrawal from VEN/ADR. TUR adjusted plans to prioritize SER over CON, RUS shifted focus to STP instead of SEV.
  • Intent: Crush ITA by attacking VEN (A TRI + A APU + F ION), secure Balkans via A BUL-SER (TUR-supported), and pressure GER's BOH with A VIE-TYR. Maintain TUR alliance while preparing post-ITA pivot against RUS's southern flank. Deceive RUS about long-term cooperation.

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Propose joint strike on Italy: A APU - ROM supported by F NAP. Your F BLA support A SER to secure BUL. Let's eliminate ITA and divide their territories. Confirm your support.
  • To [RUS]: GER's focus is divided. Attack WAR and SIL while I pressure BOH from TYR. Crushing GER opens opportunities for both of us. Coordinate your moves?
  • To [ITA]: Your position is collapsing. Withdraw from ROM and TUS to avoid total defeat. Resistance will lead to annihilation. Consider surrender.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: To Austria, I propose a coordinated attack on Germany. I will move A WAR to UKR to support your efforts in Galicia. Let us crush the German menace together.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, we must coordinate to remove Russia from Rumania and Sevastopol. I propose A BUL supports A RUM to SER, and F BLA supports. Can you support A RUM to SER from BUD?
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: A RUM attacking SER undermines our alliance. Redirect to SEV with A BUD's support while we crush Italy. F BLA should secure BUL by supporting A SER's hold. Post-ITA, we'll jointly partition the Balkans.
  • To [RUS]: Execute GER's collapse: Move A WAR-UKR and A UKR-GAL. We'll pressure BOH via A TYR. Crush their eastern flank and claim SIL/MUN. No mercy.
  • To [ITA]: Your fleets are trapped. Abandon ROM and TUS immediately. Withdraw to NAP, and we'll permit survival. Final offer before annihilation.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: To Austria, I agree to coordinate against Germany. I will move A WAR to UKR to support your efforts in Galicia. Let us crush the German menace together. I expect you to attack WAR and SIL as planned.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I agree to support your attack on Rome with A APU - ROM supported by F NAP. I will support A SER to BUL with F BLA. Let us coordinate to eliminate Italy. I will also move A RUM to SER supported by A BUL. Can you support this move from BUD?
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Your proposed A RUM-SER attacks our unit in Serbia - this violates our alliance. Redirect to SEV with A BUD's support instead. We must crush Italy first. Post-victory, BUL's status can be negotiated. Maintain trust or face consequences.
  • To [RUS]: Confirm A WAR-UKR and A UKR-GAL to collapse GER's flank. My A TYR will pressure BOH. Crush their eastern defenses - I'll ensure TUR doesn't interfere. MUN and SIL will be yours if we coordinate.
  • To [ITA]: Rome falls this season. Withdraw A TUS to PIE and F ION to NAP immediately, or we'll obliterate your remnants. Surrender ROM/TUS and you may keep NAP. Final offer.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: To Austria, I am moving A WAR to UKR as agreed. I expect you to attack WAR and SIL. Let us crush Germany together. I will also move A STP to MOS.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I understand your concern about A RUM attacking SER. However, I believe it is crucial to eliminate the Russian presence in the Black Sea first. I will redirect A RUM to SEV supported by A BUD. F BLA will support A SER to hold BUL. After we crush Russia, we can focus on Italy. Do you agree to this revised plan?
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Confirmed: A BUD supports A RUM-SEV. F BLA must support A SER-BUL. This secures SEV and consolidates our Balkan position. Post-Italian collapse, we'll negotiate BUL status. Maintain trust - coordinate precisely.
  • To [RUS]: Execute WAR-UKR and UKR-GAL as planned. My A TYR will pressure BOH from west. Crush GER's flank - MUN/SIL will be yours if coordinated. TUR contained via SEV/BUL focus. Strike decisively.
  • To [ITA]: Final warning: Withdraw A TUS-PIE and F ION-NAP immediately. Abandon ROM/TUS or face obliteration. Surrender these centers and you may retain NAP. Resistance is suicide.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I am redirecting A RUM to SEV supported by A BUD as you requested. F BLA will support A SER to hold BUL. I expect your full support in this endeavor. Let us crush Russia and then turn our attention to Italy. I trust you will honor our agreement.
  • From [RUS]: To Austria, I have moved A MOS to STP and A WAR to UKR as agreed. I expect you to attack WAR and SIL. Let us crush Germany together. I will support you in GAL if needed.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: Consolidated Italian front: captured VEN via TRI-APU support, secured NAP with fleet. Retreated BUL unit to SER. Italy retreated VEN to PIE. Turkey attempted BUL but retreated. Germany holds BOH/TYR. Secured Turkish cooperation: A RUM-SEV (supported by BUD) and F BLA supporting SER-BUL. Coordinated with RUS to attack GER's eastern flank (WAR-UKR, UKR-GAL). Threatened ITA to abandon ROM/TUS or face destruction. Turkey adjusted plans to avoid conflict in SER.
  • Intent: Crush Italy: A APU-ROM (supported by F NAP). Support Turkish A RUM-SEV via BUD. Pressure GER via A TYR-BOH. Enforce ITA's withdrawal from ROM/TUS through threats. Maintain Balkan control via SER-BUL.
  • Relationship Updates: ['AUT-RUS+']

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Propose joint pressure on RUS. A BUD supports your A RUM-GAL. Let's divide their attention between GAL and SEV. Our mutual strength ensures Balkan dominance.
  • To [RUS]: Coordinate against GER's vulnerable east. A VIE will support your A GAL-BOH to crush their flank. Secure Silesia together.
  • To [ITA]: Your fleet in TYS cannot save VEN. Withdraw peacefully from your last Adriatic foothold. Resistance means annihilation.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, we must coordinate to eliminate Russia. I will support A SER to RUM. Can you support A RUM to SEV with A BUD?
  • From [RUS]: To Austria, I am moving A UKR to GAL to support your attack on WAR and SIL. I expect you to press the attack and eliminate GER from the board. Let me know your specific plans for the coming season.
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Confirmed: A BUD will support your A RUM-SEV. Let's collapse Russia's southern flank. I'm assaulting VEN to eliminate Italy - coordinate F BLA to pressure their Adriatic retreat. Balkan dominance is ours.
  • To [RUS]: Execute GAL-BOH with A VIE's full support. Germany's BOH will fall between our pincers. I'll pressure TYR to divide their forces. Crush their eastern front and we'll split SIL/WAR.
  • To [ITA]: Final warning: Abandon VEN or lose ROM. F TYS cannot stop A TRI+ROM+Vienna's might. Withdraw to TUS and I'll grant safe passage. Resist and be erased from the map.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I agree to focus on Galicia. I will move A RUM to GAL. Can you support this with A BUD? I will also support A SER to RUM with F BLA. Let's crush Russia together.
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Confirmed: A BUD will support A RUM-GAL. A SER moves to RUM with your F BLA support. Russia collapses between our pincers. After GAL falls, we split SEV/WAR. Prepare F BLA to block Russian retreats. Italy's TYS fleet is next - coordinate Adriatic pressure.
  • To [RUS]: Proceed with GAL-BOH attack. A VIE will fully support your move. Crush GER's weak eastern flank while I divert TYR. Secure SIL and we partition GER's corpse. Maintain pressure - this is our decisive hour.
  • To [ITA]: Final offer: Withdraw F TYS to ION and abandon VEN. Refuse, and my fleets will drown your last hope. Austria-Turkish forces will erase your pathetic remnant. Choose extinction or surrender.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I misspoke. I will move A RUM to SEV, supported by A BUL. Can you support this with A BUD? I will also support A SER to RUM with F BLA. I agree to pressure Italy's Adriatic retreat with F BLA. Let's coordinate our attacks to maximize our gains.
  • From [RUS]: To Austria, I am moving A GAL to BOH as planned, with your support from VIE. Let us crush GER's eastern front and divide SIL and WAR as agreed. What are your specific orders for TYR?
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Confirmed: A BUD will support your A RUM-SEV. Execute F BLA support for A SER-RUM to collapse Russia's flank. Post-SEV, pivot F BLA to block Russian retreats. Adriatic dominance secured - Italy's TYS fleet is isolated.
  • To [RUS]: A VIE supports your A GAL-BOH. Crush Germany's eastern front - take BOH then push SIL. My A TYR will pressure MUN to split their forces. Honor our pact: SIL/WAR split after GER falls. No mercy.
  • To [ITA]: Your final hour. F TYS cannot save your corpse. Withdraw to portless TUS and disband voluntarily, or my fleets will erase you from the Adriatic. Austria-Turkish alliance guarantees your annihilation. Choose extinction.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, there has been a miscommunication. I will move A RUM to SEV, supported by A BUL. Can you support this with A BUD? I will also support A SER to RUM with F BLA. Let's crush Russia and then deal with Italy. F BLA will pressure the Adriatic.
  • From [RUS]: To Austria, I am proceeding with A GAL to BOH. Ensure VIE supports as promised. Let us crush GER and divide the spoils. I trust you will not betray me as GER is on the ropes.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: Winter 1904: Italy disbanded TUS/VEN units, leaving F TYS as sole remnant. Turkey built A ANK, consolidating Black Sea control. AUT retreated A VEN to TRI, securing Adriatic dominance. Finalized coordination with TUR: A BUD supports TUR's A RUM-SEV, A SER-RUM (with TUR F BLA support) to collapse Russia's southern flank. Secured RUS alliance: A VIE supports RUS A GAL-BOH to crush GER's east. Threatened ITA to abandon VEN or face annihilation. TUR clarified focus on SEV over GAL after miscommunication.
  • Intent: Execute pincer vs RUS (SEV/GAL fronts), eliminate ITA's last center (VEN via A TRI + ROM). Maintain TUR++ alliance while exploiting RUS cooperation against GER. Ensure SER-RUM succeeds to lock Balkan control. Prepare post-RUS/GER collapse by positioning units in TYR/NAP for future expansion.

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: AUT proposes immediate joint strike against GER. We will attack VIE (A BUD + A GAL support) and TYR (A VEN + A TRI support). Request you secure RUM/SEV flank to deter RUS interference. Let us crush the German threat together and divide their territories.
  • To [RUS]: AUT will assault VIE and TYR to cripple GER's southern front. Suggest you press WAR/LVN to split their forces. If you attack UKR/SIL, we can coordinate a pincer. Our mutual focus on GER will ensure their collapse.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, Austria. I am moving A GAL to BOH and A MOS to UKR to further support our joint efforts against GER. What are your orders this turn?
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirming coordination: A GAL will support your A GAL-BOH. Press SIL with A WAR to split GER's forces. If you attack UKR, I'll support from GAL. Crush GER's eastern front and we divide their territories post-victory.
  • To [TUR]: Execute VIE strike: A BUD and A GAL attack VIE with TRI's support. Request F BLA support A RUM to block GER retreats. Secure SEV and Balkan dominance. Post-GER, we pivot to dismantle ITA's last fleet in TYS.
  • To [RUS, TUR]: After GER collapses, focus shifts to ITA's F TYS. AUT will convoy F NAP-TYS with your naval support. Let us solidify Mediterranean control and eliminate residual threats. United we dominate.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I agree with your assessment. I will press WAR and LVN to split GER's forces. I am moving A GAL to BOH and A MOS to UKR. Coordinate your attack on VIE and TYR. Let us crush GER together.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I agree to secure RUM/SEV to deter RUS interference. However, I am wary of a full commitment against GER without securing our eastern flank. Let us focus on eliminating RUS first, then we can discuss GER. I will support your moves against VIE and TYR after RUS is dealt with.
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Finalize VIE strike: A BUD and A GAL attack VIE with A TRI's support. Your F BLA must support A RUM to block GER retreats. Post-GER collapse, we pivot to eliminate ITA's F TYS via F NAP. Balkan dominance is ours if we act decisively.
  • To [RUS]: Confirm A GAL supports your A GAL-BOH. Crush GER's eastern flank by pressing SIL with A WAR. Once VIE falls, we split GER's territories—you take LVN/SIL, we secure TYR/VIE. Coordinate UKR moves to isolate their forces.
  • To [TUR]: Secure SEV aggressively to deter RUS ambitions. After VIE falls, F NAP will convoy to TYS with your naval backing. Your F BLA's hold on RUM is critical—let us tighten the noose on GER together.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I am moving A GAL to BOH and A MOS to UKR as planned. I will also move A WAR to LVN to pressure GER's eastern front. Coordinate your attack on VIE and TYR. We must crush GER together. After GER falls, we will discuss Italy.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I will secure RUM/SEV. I will support A RUM to SEV, supported by A BUL. F BLA will support A SER to RUM. I am wary of attacking GER before RUS is eliminated. Let us focus on RUS first.
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Final orders confirmed: Execute VIE strike with A BUD & GAL attacking VIE (GER). Your F BLA must support A RUM to block retreats. Post-VIE capture, pivot F NAP to TYS to crush ITA's last fleet. Balkan dominance is ours.
  • To [RUS]: A GAL will support your A GAL-BOH. Press SIL with A WAR to split GER's forces. Once VIE falls, we divide GER's territories - you take LVN/SIL, we secure TYR/VIE. Crush their eastern front!
  • To [TUR, RUS]: After GER collapses, focus shifts to ITA's F TYS. AUT's F NAP will convoy to TYS with naval support. Let us solidify Mediterranean control. United we dominate.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I am moving A GAL to BOH and A MOS to UKR as planned. I will also move A WAR to LVN to pressure GER's eastern front. Coordinate your attack on VIE and TYR. We must crush GER together. After GER falls, we will discuss Italy. I will support your A GAL-BOH.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I will secure RUM/SEV. I will support A RUM to SEV, supported by A BUL. F BLA will support A SER to RUM. I am wary of attacking GER before RUS is eliminated. Let us focus on RUS first. I expect your support for these moves.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: GER captured VIE (forcing AUT's retreat to GAL) and consolidated positions in TYR. AUT secured VEN via ROM-TRI coordination. TUR reinforced SEV/RUM, while RUS repositioned to pressure GER's eastern flank (WAR-LVN, MOS-UKR). Secured RUS commitment to attack GER's LVN/SIL with A WAR and A MOS-UKR, while RUS supports AUT's A GAL-BOH. TUR reluctantly agreed to secure RUM/SEV (F BLA supporting A SER-RUM) but insisted on prioritizing RUS containment post-GER. Finalized joint strike on VIE: A BUD + A GAL attack VIE with TRI support, leveraging RUS pressure on GER's east.
  • Intent: Execute VIE recapture: A BUD-VIE, A GAL-VIE (supported by A TRI). Coordinate with RUS's A WAR-LVN and A MOS-UKR to split GER's forces. Prepare F NAP-TYS convoy post-VIE success, contingent on TUR's F BLA blocking RUM retreats. Maintain pressure on TUR to honor RUM/SEV commitments while masking long-term plans to dominate Balkans/Mediterranean.

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Our alliance remains strong. Let's crush Russia's last foothold in LVN. Propose A GAL supports your A RUM-SEV to eliminate their unit. Coordinate F BLA to block retreats. Balkan dominance is ours.
  • To [RUS]: GER threatens us both. Propose A VIE and A GAL support your A LVN-WAR to break their eastern front. Let's split GER's forces between BOH and MOS. Your move on SIL would open path to MUN.
  • To [TUR, RUS]: Triple pincer on GER: TUR pressures SEV-MOS, RUS strikes WAR-SIL, AUT attacks BOH-TYR. Eliminate Germany, then divide their centers. Confirm support orders to synchronize.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, AUT. I am moving A GAL to BOH as agreed. I am also moving A MOS to UKR to prepare for further action. What are your orders this turn?
  • From [TUR]: Greetings Austria. I propose we continue our coordinated efforts against Russia. I will support A SER to RUM with F BLA. I will move A RUM to SEV, supported by A BUL. What are your orders this turn?
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Confirmed. A BUD will support your A RUM-SEV. Request F BLA support for my A SER-RUM to secure the Balkans. F NAP moves to ION to deter foreign interference. Our combined pressure will collapse Russia's southern flank.
  • To [RUS]: Strike GER's weak point: A LVN-WAR with A GAL support. I'll pressure BOH via A VIE. Coordinate to split their forces. Eliminate GER, then we divide their centers. Confirm orders for synchronized attack.
  • To [TUR, RUS]: Triple pincer executes now: TUR takes SEV, RUS seizes WAR, AUT storms BOH. Crush GER between us. Share SCs post-victory (AUT: MUN, RUS: SIL, TUR: MOS). Confirm support orders immediately.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I agree to support A GAL supporting A RUM to SEV. I will also use F BLA to support A SER to RUM. I am moving A BUL to support A RUM to SEV. Let us crush Russia and then turn our attention to Germany. I agree to your triple pincer strategy.
  • From [RUS]: AUT, I agree to your proposal. A VIE and A GAL will support A LVN-WAR. I will move A MOS to UKR to prepare for an attack on SEV. Let us coordinate our attacks on GER and TUR to maximize our gains. I will move A LVN to WAR.
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Finalizing coordination: A BUD supports your A RUM-SEV. A SER will move to RUM with F BLA support. F NAP moves to ION to deter Italy. Confirm orders to secure SEV and collapse Russia's flank.
  • To [RUS]: Execute WAR attack: A GAL and A VIE support your A LVN-WAR. Move A MOS-UKR to split GER's forces. Confirm support for synchronized strike on SIL and BOH.
  • To [TUR, RUS]: Triple pincer proceeds: TUR takes SEV, RUS seizes WAR/SIL, AUT storms BOH. Post-victory, AUT claims MUN, RUS SIL, TUR MOS. Confirm final orders.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: AUT, I am moving A LVN to WAR as agreed. A GAL will support. I am also moving A MOS to UKR to prepare for SEV. Let us crush GER this turn. I expect your full support in GAL and BOH.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I confirm A BUD supports A RUM to SEV. F BLA supports A SER to RUM. A BUL supports A RUM to SEV. Let us crush Russia and then turn our attention to Germany. I agree to your triple pincer strategy. I will take MOS after we crush GER.
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [TUR]: Final confirmation: A BUD supports your A RUM-SEV. A SER moves to RUM with F BLA support. F NAP to ION secures Mediterranean. Execute our Balkan dominance. Crush Russia's remnants and pivot to Germany.
  • To [RUS]: Strike GER now: A GAL supports your A LVN-WAR. A VIE pressures BOH. Secure SIL and we split MUN/MOS. Confirm orders to dismantle Germany. Our alliance ensures victory.
  • To [TUR, RUS]: Triple pincer proceeds: TUR takes SEV, RUS seizes WAR/SIL, AUT storms BOH. Post-GER collapse: AUT claims MUN, RUS SIL, TUR MOS. Honor support orders. No retreat for our enemies.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I confirm my orders: A RUM to SEV, supported by A BUL. F BLA supports A SER to RUM. Let us crush Russia and then turn our attention to Germany. I expect MOS after we crush GER.
  • From [RUS]: AUT, I am moving A LVN to WAR as agreed. I expect you to fully commit to our plan to crush GER. I will move A MOS to UKR to prepare for SEV. Let us make this turn decisive.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: In F1905R, GER retreated A VIE to BOH. W1905A saw AUT build A BUD, FRA build A BRE, ITA disband F TYS, and RUS disband A FIN. GER now holds BOH adjacent to AUT's core. Coordinated triple pincer against GER with TUR and RUS: TUR agreed to attack SEV (though ambiguously, as SEV is already TUR-held) and support AUT's A SER-RUM. RUS committed to strike WAR/SIL with AUT's support. Implicitly exploited TUR's miscommunication by securing RUM via F BLA-supported SER move, effectively backstabbing TUR.
  • Intent: Execute betrayal of TUR by seizing RUM via A SER-RUM (F BLA-supported). Pressure GER via A VIE-BOH and A GAL-supported RUS A LVN-WAR. Position F NAP-ION to contest Mediterranean. Maintain RUS alliance temporarily to dismantle GER.
  • Relationship Updates: ['AUT-TUR--']

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Germany weakens - let's crush them. Propose A GAL supports your A LVN attacking WAR while my A VIE pressures BOH. Together we can split their eastern front. Agreed?
  • To [TUR]: RUM remains ours, but we'll refrain from threatening BUL. Focus your forces against Russia in SEV/UKR. Continued conflict here only helps Germany.
  • To [ALL]: Austria condemns German aggression in central Europe. We urge all powers to contain their expansion before they dominate the continent.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I am concerned about your lack of support in RUM. I need your support to dislodge the Russian unit. I will move A ARM to RUM, supported by A UKR. Can you support this move?
  • From [TUR]: I will move A CON to BUL. This will secure my position in the Balkans. I need your assurance that you will not move against BUL.
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, Austria. I propose a coordinated attack on Germany. I will move A LVN to STP. Can you support this move with A GAL to BOH?
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirming A GAL will support your A LVN's attack on WAR. Propose A VIE supports your A MOS-UKR to split German defenses. Let's crush their eastern flank decisively.
  • To [TUR]: A RUM remains firmly under Austrian control. We honor our non-aggression pact - focus your A SEV and A UKR against Russia's remnants. Any move against BUL will be met with overwhelming force.
  • To [ALL]: Germany's reckless expansion in BOH and KIE threatens continental balance. Austria urges all powers to support Russian advances in WAR and French pressure in the west. United action can break their hegemony.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I appreciate your stance on Bulgaria. I will focus on Sevastopol and Ukraine. I will move A ARM to RUM, supported by A UKR. Can you support A SEV to MOS?
  • From [TUR]: All powers, I urge you to contain German aggression in central Europe. Their expansion threatens the balance of power on the continent. I will focus on Russia.
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I agree to your proposal. A LVN to STP supported by A GAL to WAR. I will also move A MOS to UKR to prepare for further action. Let us crush Germany together.
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Execute the pincer: A GAL will support your A LVN's attack on WAR. A VIE will pressure BOH to split German defenses. Confirm A MOS-UKR to isolate GER. Let's dismantle their eastern front and secure your northern gains.
  • To [TUR]: RUM remains under Austrian protection. Any aggression toward BUL will trigger immediate retaliation. Redirect A SEV/UKR against RUS's remnants instead. Our non-aggression holds only if you respect Balkan borders.
  • To [ALL]: Turkey's expansion in SEV/BUL threatens regional stability. Austria urges powers to check their ambitions. Germany's collapse is imminent - focus efforts on containing Ottoman overreach in the Black Sea and Balkans.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I agree to your proposal. A VIE supports A MOS to UKR. Let us crush Germany decisively. I will move A LVN to STP.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I understand your position on Rumania. I will move A ARM to RUM via SEV, supported by A UKR. This will clear the way for you to take back Rumania. Can you support this move? Also, can you support A SEV to MOS?
  • From [TUR]: All powers, Germany's aggression in Bohemia and Kiev threatens the balance of power in Europe. I urge you to unite against them before it is too late. I will focus on Russia.
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Execute final pincer: A GAL supports your A LVN-WAR. A VIE will attack BOH to split German defenses. Confirm A MOS-UKR to isolate MUN. Germany's collapse secures your northern gains and our shared dominance.
  • To [TUR]: RUM remains under Austrian control. Any aggression toward BUL will trigger immediate retaliation. Redirect A SEV/UKR against RUS's remnants in MOS. Our non-aggression holds only if you respect Balkan borders.
  • To [ALL]: Turkey's reckless expansion in SEV/BUL threatens Balkan stability. Austria urges powers to check Ottoman ambitions. Germany's collapse is imminent - focus efforts on containing Turkish overreach in the Black Sea.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I am moving A LVN to STP. I expect A GAL to support this move to WAR. A VIE should support A MOS to UKR. Let us finish GER this season.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I am moving A ARM to RUM via SEV, supported by A UKR. This is to help you secure RUM. I expect you to hold your end of the bargain and not move against BUL. I am focusing on Russia as agreed.
  • From [TUR]: All powers, Germany's aggression in Bohemia and Kiev threatens the balance of power in Europe. I urge you to unite against them before it is too late. I will focus on Russia.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: AUT consolidated control of RUM via A SER-BUD-GAL coordination, repelled TUR's RUM retreat to UKR. GER holds BOH/MOS, RUS pushed LVN-MOS. FRA expanded into KIE. Secured RUS alliance: A GAL supports RUS A LVN-WAR, A VIE pressures BOH. Rejected TUR's RUM/BUL incursion demands, threatened retaliation if BUL violated. Publicly framed GER as existential threat while positioning TUR as secondary Balkan aggressor.
  • Intent: Crush GER via RUS pincer (A GAL S RUS LVN-WAR, A VIE-BOH). Defend RUM with A SER/BUD/GAL. Contain TUR by threatening BUL retaliation. Use F ION to deter Adriatic moves.

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: AUT proposes coordinated strike on TUR. Move A WAR to UKR to threaten SEV. We will support with A GAL and A RUM. Let's crush their eastern flank and split their forces. GER remains our mutual priority afterward.
  • To [TUR]: Your aggression in BUL/SEV threatens Balkan stability. Withdraw from BUL or face annihilation. RUS and I will dismantle your empire. Surrender BUL now for temporary ceasefire.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Greetings Austria. I am concerned about your support for Russia last turn, which prevented me from taking Sevastopol. I need your assurance that you will support my attack on Sevastopol this turn. I propose A UKR to SEV, supported by A BUL. F BLA supports A SER to RUM. Can I count on your support?
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, Austria. I propose a coordinated attack on Germany. I will move A STP to LVN, supported by A GAL to WAR. This should put significant pressure on GER. What are your thoughts and proposed moves?
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Agreed. Move A STP-LVN to threaten GER's flank. I'll support your A WAR-UKR with A GAL. Simultaneously, I'll pressure BOH via A VIE-TYR to split German forces. Let's crush them between our fronts while containing TUR's Balkan ambitions.
  • To [TUR]: Your SEV plan has merit. Withdraw A BUL to CON and I'll support A RUM-SEV via A BUD. F BLA must support A SER-BUL to secure our flank. Honor this and I'll guarantee non-aggression in Balkans. Betrayal will trigger total war with RUS/AUT.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your threat is noted. My aggression is a response to Russian expansionism. I propose a compromise: I will not move into Bulgaria if you support my attack on Sevastopol. A UKR to SEV, supported by A BUL. F BLA supports A SER to RUM. This will eliminate the Russian threat and stabilize the region. What is your decision?
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I agree to your proposal. I will move A WAR to UKR to threaten SEV, supported by A MOS. I will also move A STP to LVN, supported by A GAL to WAR. Let us coordinate our attacks on GER and TUR this turn. What are your specific moves against GER?
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirming our pincer: A GAL will support your A WAR-UKR to threaten SEV. Move A STP-LVN to pressure GER's flank. I will attack BOH via A VIE-TYR. Once SEV falls, we pivot to dismantle TUR's BUL. Maintain pressure on GER's eastern front.
  • To [TUR]: Final warning: Withdraw A BUL to CON immediately. Your SEV gambit is doomed - RUS and I will crush your forces. Surrender BUL for temporary ceasefire. Continued aggression guarantees your Balkan collapse.
  • To [RUS]: Critical to hold WAR-UKR line. If TUR resists, A RUM will strike BUL with F TUN-ION support. Ensure A MOS pressures SEV's rear. GER's BOH is vulnerable - my A VIE-TYR attack creates opportunity for your SIL strike.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, excellent. I will execute the moves as planned. A STP to LVN, supported by A GAL to WAR, and A WAR to UKR, supported by A MOS. Let us coordinate our attacks on GER and TUR this turn. I expect you to move A VIE to TYR to pressure BOH. Confirm?
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I accept your compromise. A BUL to CON. A UKR to SEV, supported by A BUL. F BLA supports A SER to BUL. A BUD supports A UKR to SEV. This secures our flank and eliminates the Russian threat. I expect your full support. Do we have an agreement?
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirmed. Execute WAR-UKR with MOS support. I'll support via GAL. A VIE attacks BOH to split GER's forces. Post-SEV collapse, pivot A RUM-BUL to crush TUR's flank. Maintain pressure on GER's east.
  • To [TUR]: Agreed. Move BUL-CON. A BUD will support UKR-SEV. F BLA must support SER-BUL per our pact. Honor this and Balkan borders remain secure. Betrayal means annihilation.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I am executing the moves as planned. A STP to LVN, supported by A GAL to WAR, and A WAR to UKR, supported by A MOS. I expect you to move A VIE to TYR to pressure BOH. Let us crush GER and TUR this turn.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, you have betrayed me. I will not forget this. Prepare for war. A BUL to CON. A UKR to SEV, supported by A BUL. F BLA supports A SER to BUL. A BUD supports A UKR to SEV. This is my final move. I will take Sevastopol, with or without your help.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: AUT solidified control of RUM with BUD/GAL support, secured TUN via F ION. TUR failed to take SEV despite BUL-RUM attack. RUS built A WAR, positioning against GER/TUR. Played RUS and TUR against each other: Promised RUS coordinated strikes on GER (A VIE-TYR) and SEV (supporting A WAR-UKR via GAL). Simultaneously coerced TUR into withdrawing A BUL to CON by feigning support for SEV capture. TUR accused betrayal but complied partially. Secured RUS alliance against both GER and TUR.
  • Intent: Execute pincer vs TUR: Support RUS A WAR-UKR (via A GAL) while moving A VIE-TYR to pressure GER's BOH. Prepare A RUM-BUL if TUR falters. Maintain F TUN-ION to threaten TUR's Mediterranean flank. Keep RUS committed to joint front against GER/TUR while positioning to claim Balkans post-SEV collapse.

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Propose coordinated strike on GER: A GAL and A BUD will attack VIE with your A UKR supporting from the north. Your A LVN should pressure MOS. Crush Germany together and split their territories.
  • To [RUS]: Once VIE falls, let's pivot against TUR. I'll reclaim RUM and push into BUL while you take SEV. Maintain our alliance to dominate the east.
  • To [TUR]: Temporary Balkan truce? Withdraw from RUM and I'll guarantee BUL's safety. Focus efforts against RUS in Ukraine instead. Our conflict only benefits outsiders.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, Austria. As agreed, I am moving A STP to LVN, supported by A GAL to WAR, and A WAR to UKR, supported by A MOS. I expect you to move A VIE to TYR to pressure BOH. Let us crush GER together.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your support of Russia last turn was a clear betrayal. I am moving A BUL to RUM and A SEV to UKR. I expect you to support these moves. If you do not, I will consider our alliance dissolved and act accordingly.
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Executing VIE capture: A BUD-VIE supported by GAL, A TRI-VIE via TYR support. Your A UKR must block German retreats. After crushing GER, we strike TUR - I'll take RUM/BUL while you claim SEV. Maintain pressure on MOS.
  • To [TUR]: Your RUM occupation violates our borders. Withdraw to BUL or face A SER/BUD/GAL crushing your unit. Attack RUS in UKR instead - I'll grant you SEV concessions. Balkan war serves only FRA/ENG.
  • To [RUS]: Alert: TUR plans SEV-UKR. Coordinate A GAL-WAR and A MOS-UKR to trap them. I'll handle RUM flank. Crush GER/TUR simultaneously - Vienna Pact prevails.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your offer of a temporary truce is tempting, but I cannot withdraw from RUM while RUS remains a threat. I will, however, agree to focus my efforts on UKR if you guarantee my control of BUL and support my move into SEV. If you agree to these terms, I will consider a coordinated attack on UKR. Otherwise, I will assume you are aligned with RUS and act accordingly.
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirmed: A BUD-VIE supported by GAL, A TRI-VIE via TYR. Your A UKR must block GER retreats. After VIE falls, pivot east - I'll support your A MOS-UKR against TUR's SEV while reclaiming RUM. Crush GER first, then split TUR's carcass.
  • To [TUR]: Final offer: Withdraw A RUM to BUL immediately. I'll permit your SEV-UKR move unopposed. Refuse and A SER/BUD/GAL will annihilate your RUM unit. Choose between Balkan war or claiming Russian lands - you can't do both.
  • To [RUS]: Alert: TUR's SEV-UKR threatens your flank. Prepare A MOS-UKR with my GAL support. Once VIE falls, I'll move SER-RUM to crush TUR's retreat path. Maintain pressure on GER's BOH - their collapse is imminent.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your threats are noted. I will not withdraw from RUM. However, I am willing to consider a coordinated attack on UKR, with the understanding that you will support my move into SEV and guarantee my control of BUL. If you agree to these terms, I will order A SEV to UKR and A BUL to RUM. If not, I will assume you are aligned with RUS and act accordingly. This is my final offer.
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I concur with your plan to capture VIE. My A UKR will block German retreats. I will also move A LVN to support pressuring MOS. After GER, we strike TUR as planned. I will take SEV.
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Execute VIE capture: A BUD-VIE supported by GAL, A TRI-VIE via TYR. Your A UKR must block GER retreats. Once VIE falls, pivot east - I'll support your A MOS-UKR against TUR's SEV while reclaiming RUM. Crush GER first, then split TUR's carcass.
  • To [TUR]: Final ultimatum: Withdraw A RUM to BUL immediately. I'll permit SEV-UKR unopposed. Refuse and A SER/BUD/GAL will annihilate your RUM unit. Choose: Balkan annihilation or claim Russian lands. You cannot hold both fronts.
  • To [RUS]: Alert: TUR's SEV-UKR threatens your flank. Prepare A MOS-UKR with my GAL support. After VIE falls, I'll move SER-RUM to crush TUR's retreat path. Maintain pressure on BOH - GER collapses today.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your final offer is unacceptable. I will not withdraw from RUM. Prepare for war. I am moving A BUL to SER, A SEV to UKR, and A ARM to RUM. I will take what is rightfully mine, by force if necessary. Consider our alliance dissolved.
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I am moving A UKR to MOS and A LVN holds. I expect you to move A BUD to VIE supported by A GAL, and A TRI to VIE via TYR. Let us crush GER and then turn on TUR.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: AUT attempted to take BUL via A RUM but was repelled by TUR's A BUL-RUM (supported by F BLA). Retreating A RUM to SER. GER holds VIE with A BOH-VIE. RUS advanced A WAR-UKR. Secured RUS alliance: coordinated A BUD/GAL/TYR attack on VIE with RUS A UKR blocking retreats. TUR rejected ultimatums, declared war, and moved to attack SER/UKR. Promised RUS post-VIE pivot against TUR (A SER-RUM, support RUS in SEV). TUR broke relations over RUM dispute.
  • Intent: 1) Capture VIE via A BUD-VIE (supported by A GAL) and A TRI-VIE (supported by A TYR). 2) Use A SER to attack RUM if TUR resists. 3) Post-VIE: Support RUS A MOS-UKR against TUR's SEV. 4) Prepare defenses against TUR's A BUL-SER/A ARM-RUM.
  • Relationship Updates: ['AUT-TUR--']

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Propose joint strike on TUR: My A GAL and A SER will attack RUM with your A MOS pressuring UKR. Support our RUM assault via A WAR-SIL to pin GER. Let's crush TUR's Balkan flank and divide their forces.
  • To [TUR]: Your aggression leaves us no choice. Withdraw from RUM or face annihilation. Russia's A MOS-UKR will seal your retreat paths. Surrender BUL for temporary ceasefire.
  • To [RUS]: Critical to hold WAR and advance SIL to prevent GER reinforcing TYR. My A VIE will threaten BOH, forcing GER to split defenses. Confirm support for A GAL-RUM via A WAR-SIL?
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your betrayal is noted. Prepare for the consequences. I will take what is rightfully mine by force. A BUL to SER. A SEV to UKR. A ARM to RUM.
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, Austria. We will continue our coordinated attack on Germany. I will move A UKR to MOS to block any German retreat from VIE. I expect you to press your advantage in BOH and TYR. Let me know your intentions.
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Execute RUM pincer: A GAL and A SER attack RUM with your A MOS-UKR blocking retreats. Support A WAR-SIL to split GER's defenses. My A VIE will strike BOH. Confirm coordination to crush TUR's flank.
  • To [RUS]: Critical to hold SIL pressure. If you move A WAR-SIL, I'll support with A TYR. This prevents GER reinforcing TYR/BOH. Secure our eastern front for post-TUR Balkan dominance.
  • To [TUR]: Your RUM position is untenable. Withdraw or face annihilation. Russia's A MOS-UKR seals your retreat. Surrender BUL for ceasefire. Final warning.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I agree to the joint strike on TUR. I will move A MOS to UKR to pressure UKR. I will move A WAR to SIL to pin GER. I expect you to move A GAL and A SER to RUM. I will also support your VIE attack on BOH.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your threats are empty. I will not withdraw. I will take what I want. Prepare to face the might of the Ottoman Empire. A BUL to SER, A SEV to UKR, A ARM to RUM.
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Execute RUM pincer: A GAL and A SER attack RUM with your A MOS-UKR blocking retreats. Confirm A WAR-SIL to split GER's defenses. My A VIE will strike BOH. Once RUM falls, we pivot to SEV. Solidify our Balkan dominance.
  • To [RUS]: Critical: Support A VIE-BOH via A WAR-SIL. This prevents GER reinforcing TYR. I will support your A MOS-UKR with A GAL. Crush TUR's flank while GER is distracted. No mercy.
  • To [TUR]: Your RUM garrison is surrounded. Withdraw to BUL or be destroyed. Russia's A MOS-UKR seals your fate. Surrender RUM now, and I may spare CON. Final offer.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your pathetic attempts at intimidation are laughable. My armies march on your lands. A BUL to SER, A SEV to UKR, A ARM to RUM. Prepare to be crushed.
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I confirm the RUM pincer. A MOS to UKR, A WAR to SIL. I will support your VIE attack on BOH. Let us crush TUR and GER together. I expect you to move A GAL and A SER to RUM as planned.
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Execute final strike: A GAL and A SER attack RUM with your A MOS-UKR blocking retreats. My A VIE moves to GAL to reinforce. Support A WAR-SIL as agreed to split German defenses. RUM falls today - then we pivot to SEV. Confirm orders.
  • To [TUR]: Your RUM garrison is surrounded. Withdraw now or be destroyed. Russia's MOS-UKR seals your fate. Surrender BUL next season for ceasefire. Final warning before Balkan annihilation.
  • To [RUS]: Critical: Ensure A WAR-SIL holds to prevent GER reinforcing BOH. I'll support with A TYR. After RUM falls, propose joint SEV attack via A GAL-UKR and your MOS-SEV. Crush TUR's eastern flank.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I am moving A UKR to MOS and A WAR to SIL as agreed. I expect you to move A GAL and A SER to RUM and A VIE to BOH. Let us crush TUR and GER. After that, we will discuss the spoils.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your threats are meaningless. My armies are already in motion. A BUL to SER, A SEV to UKR, A ARM to RUM. There is no retreat. Prepare to face the consequences of your betrayal.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: Consolidated VIE defenses via A BUD-VIE with GAL/TRI/TYR support. Built A BUD. GER built A MUN, TUR built A ANK. F ADR secured naval control. FRA expanded into RUH/PIE, ENG held NTH/SKA. Secured RUS alliance for RUM pincer: RUS commits A MOS-UKR and A WAR-SIL to split TUR/GER. TUR rejected ceasefire ultimatums, doubling down on SER/UKR/RUM attacks. Finalized plans to crush TUR's RUM garrison with A GAL/SER and RUS support, while pressuring GER via A VIE-BOH.
  • Intent: Execute RUM assault: A GAL-RUM, A SER-RUM (supported by F ADR). A VIE-BOH to pressure GER, supported by A TYR. Coordinate with RUS A MOS-UKR (blocks TUR retreat) and A WAR-SIL (pins GER). Deceive TUR with false ceasefire offers to stall reinforcements.

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Crush Turkey together. A SER-BUL with RUM support. You strike SEV from MOS/UKR. Coordinate on GER: I'll push VIE-GAL to support your WAR-SIL move. Balkan dominance is ours.
  • To [FRA]: Strike GER's west while I pressure BOH. Take KIE from HOL/BUR. We split German territories - your gains in north, mine in south. Swift action guarantees victory.
  • To [TUR]: Withdraw from BUL/SEV or face annihilation. Russia marches on your north while I crush your Balkan forces. Last chance to avoid total collapse.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your betrayal is noted. I will not forget your support of Russia against me. Prepare for war on all fronts. I will take what is rightfully mine.
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, AUT. As agreed, I will move A WAR to SIL. I trust you are moving A VIE to BOH to support this attack? We must crush GER this year. What are your specific orders?
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirming coordination: A VIE will support your A WAR-SIL by moving to GAL. Simultaneously, A SER will attack BUL with RUM's support. Strike SEV from MOS/UKR as planned. Let's collapse TUR's eastern flank while crushing GER's defenses.
  • To [FRA]: GER's KIE is vulnerable. Attack from HOL/BUR while I pressure BOH. If you take KIE and hold the north, I will secure BOH/SIL. Coordinate A PIE-TYR to split GER's southern forces. Time to dismantle their empire.
  • To [TUR]: Your position crumbles. A SER-BUL and RUS A MOS-SEV will annihilate your defenses. Withdraw from BUL/SEV now, or lose them forcibly. This is your final chance to negotiate surrender terms.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your threats are empty. I will not yield. I will take Vienna and Budapest. Prepare to be swept aside.
  • From [FRA]: To AUT, I appreciate your offer. However, I am committed to my alliance with ENG to destroy GER. I will take KIE and MUN. You may focus on BOH and VIE. I will not divide GER with you. I suggest you focus on TUR.
  • From [RUS]: AUT, I agree to the plan. I will move A WAR to SIL. I will also move A UKR to MOS to support against GER. I expect you to move A VIE to BOH and A SER to BUL, supported by RUM. Let us crush GER and TUR this year.
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirmed: A VIE moves to GAL to support your A WAR-SIL. A SER attacks BUL with RUM's support. Execute MOS-UKR pincer on SEV. GER's eastern front will crumble under our coordination. TUR's Balkan forces will be trapped between us.
  • To [FRA]: Crush GER's KIE via HOL/BUR thrust. I will pressure BOH from GAL and TYR. Secure MUN and we'll split southern GER territories. Swift action now ensures FRA dominance in the west while I handle TUR.
  • To [TUR]: Final warning: Withdraw from BUL/SEV immediately. RUS armies march on your northern flank while I obliterate your Balkan garrisons. Surrender these territories or face total annihilation. Your empire ends this year.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: AUT, excellent. I will move A WAR to SIL and A UKR to MOS. I expect A VIE to GAL and A SER to BUL, supported by RUM. Let us crush GER and TUR this year. What are your specific orders for the coming season?
  • From [FRA]: To AUT, I appreciate your persistence. However, my alliance with ENG takes precedence. I will not betray them for a temporary advantage. Focus on TUR, as that is where your true interests lie. I will handle GER.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your arrogance blinds you. You think you can crush me? I will bleed you dry in the Balkans. Every inch of ground will be paid for in Austrian blood. Prepare for a war of attrition you cannot win.
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Final coordination: Execute as planned. A VIE-GAL supports your A WAR-SIL. A SER-BUL with RUM support. Crush SEV via MOS/UKR pincer. GER collapses east, TUR's Balkan forces trapped. Victory is ours.
  • To [TUR]: Last warning ignored. A SER-BUL (RUM-supported) and RUS A MOS-UKR annihilate your position. Withdraw from BUL/SEV immediately or be erased from the map. This is your final chance.
Received by AUT:
  • From [FRA]: To AUT, I have made my decision. I will not betray my ally. Focus on TUR. GER is my concern.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your threats are meaningless. I will not yield. I will fight you to the last man. Prepare for a long and bloody war. I will take what is rightfully mine, even if it means your destruction.
  • From [RUS]: AUT, I am moving A WAR to SIL and A UKR to MOS. I expect you to move A VIE to GAL and A SER to BUL, supported by RUM. Let us crush GER and TUR this year. I trust you will follow through.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: AUT secured RUM via A GAL (BUD-supported) and A SER, pushed A TYR into BOH, and moved F ADR to ION. GER retreated A KIE to DEN. TUR repositioned forces in SEV/UKR, while RUS advanced toward SIL. Finalized coordination with RUS: A VIE-GAL to support RUS A WAR-SIL, A SER-BUL (RUM-supported), and joint pressure on TUR's SEV. FRA rejected alliance against GER, prioritizing ENG. TUR escalated hostilities, refusing to withdraw from BUL/SEV. RUS confirmed commitment to joint strikes on GER/TUR.
  • Intent: Execute pincer on GER via A VIE-GAL (supporting RUS A WAR-SIL) and A TYR-BOH. Crush TUR in Balkans with A SER-BUL (RUM-supported) and F ION pressure. Prepare for TUR counterattacks in BLA/RUM. Isolate GER by linking RUS/AUT fronts.
  • Relationship Updates: ['AUT-RUS++', 'AUT-TUR--']

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Propose coordinated strike on Turkey. I will attack CON via A BUL supported by F AEG. Request you pressure SEV/UKR to split their forces. Let's dismantle their southern flank together.
  • To [RUS]: Simultaneously crush Germany - my A TYR will attack BOH while your A WAR pushes SIL. Support each other's advances to collapse their eastern front.
  • To [FRA]: Propose non-aggression in Italy. Focus your efforts against ENG/GER while I secure Balkans. No moves into VEN/PIE and I'll avoid western theaters.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, Austria. As agreed, I will move A WAR to SIL and A UKR to MOS. I trust you are moving A VIE to GAL and A SER to BUL, supported by RUM. Let us crush GER and TUR together.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your betrayal is noted. I will not forget your support of Russia against me. Prepare for war on all fronts. I will take what is rightfully mine.
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirmed. A VIE-GAL will support your A WAR-SIL. Execute A SER-BUL with F AEG supporting BUL-CON to cripple Turkey. Simultaneously, pressure SEV/UKR to fracture their defenses. Our pincer will collapse both fronts.
  • To [FRA]: Stand by our non-aggression pact. Focus on ENG/GER; we will not contest western theaters. In return, avoid VEN/PIE. Let mutual restraint secure our borders while we dismantle the eastern threats.
  • To [TUR]: Russia manipulates us both. Halt attacks on SER/RUM, and we can pivot against them. Your true enemy holds MOS/SEV. Cease fire now, and I will withdraw support for Russian advances. Time to choose allies wisely.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your armies will soon be facing the might of the Ottoman Empire. Your betrayal will be repaid in blood and territory. I will take Trieste and Vienna.
  • From [FRA]: To Austria, I appreciate your offer, but I remain committed to my alliance with England. I suggest you focus your efforts on containing Turkey and Russia. France has no interest in your Balkan ambitions. I will not move into VEN or PIE, but I expect the same courtesy from you.
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I agree to your proposal. I will pressure SEV/UKR to split their forces. I will move A UKR to MOS to threaten SEV. I will also move A WAR to SIL to support your attack on BOH. Let us coordinate our attacks to dismantle both GER and TUR.
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirmed. A VIE-GAL will support your A WAR-SIL. Execute A SER-BUL with F AEG supporting BUL-CON to cripple Turkey. Simultaneously, pressure SEV/UKR to fracture their defenses. Our pincer will collapse both fronts.
  • To [FRA]: Stand by our non-aggression pact. Focus on ENG/GER; we will not contest western theaters. In return, avoid VEN/PIE. Let mutual restraint secure our borders while we dismantle the eastern threats.
  • To [TUR]: Russia manipulates us both. Halt attacks on SER/RUM, and we can pivot against them. Your true enemy holds MOS/SEV. Cease fire now, and I will withdraw support for Russian advances. Time to choose allies wisely.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your offer is tempting, but your betrayal is too deep. I will not cease my attacks on SER and RUM. You will pay for your treachery. Prepare for war on all fronts.
  • From [FRA]: To Austria, I reiterate that France remains committed to its alliance with England. I suggest you focus your efforts on containing Turkey and Russia. France has no interest in your Balkan ambitions. I will not move into VEN or PIE, and I expect the same courtesy from you. Do not expect any further communication from me.
  • From [RUS]: Austria, excellent. I concur with the plan. I will execute A UKR to MOS to threaten SEV and A WAR to SIL to support your attack on BOH. Let us coordinate our attacks to dismantle both GER and TUR. I expect you to move A VIE to GAL to support my attack on SIL.
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Final confirmation: A VIE will support your A WAR-SIL. A BUL moves to CON with F AEG support. Crush TUR's flank by pressuring SEV/UKR. Our combined force ensures victory. Hold GAL to block TUR retreats.
  • To [FRA]: Non-aggression stands. Focus west; we secure the Balkans. Avoid VEN/PIE and we refrain from Adriatic expansion. Let GER/ENG bear your wrath while we dismantle TUR.
  • To [TUR]: Russia plans to abandon you after SEV falls. Their A MOS threatens your rear. Cease attacks on SER/RUM now, and I will redirect forces to support your hold on BLA. Betray Russia, not me.
Received by AUT:
  • From [FRA]: To Austria, I reiterate that France remains committed to its alliance with England. I suggest you focus your efforts on containing Turkey and Russia. France has no interest in your Balkan ambitions. I will not move into VEN or PIE, and I expect the same courtesy from you. Do not expect any further communication from me.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your offer of alliance is rejected. Your betrayal is unforgivable. I will take what is rightfully mine through force. Prepare for war on all fronts. I will not rest until Vienna and Budapest are under Ottoman control.
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I trust you are moving A VIE to GAL and A SER to BUL, supported by RUM. I am moving A WAR to SIL and A UKR to MOS. Let us crush GER and TUR together. I expect you to support my attack on SIL with A VIE to GAL.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: AUT consolidated Balkan control (A SER-BUL, F ION-AEG) and pressured GER via A TYR-MUN. TUR shifted forces east (A SEV-ARM, A UKR-MOS), escalating tensions. RUS remained static. FRA expanded westward, GER retreated eastward (A MUN-SIL). Secured RUS alliance (++): Coordinated A VIE-GAL support for RUS A WAR-SIL and joint BUL-CON strike with F AEG. TUR rejected peace overtures (--), vowed war. FRA affirmed neutrality (~) but prioritized ENG alliance. Failed to flip TUR against RUS. Maintained non-aggression with FRA in Italy.
  • Intent: Execute pincer vs TUR: A SER-BUL (supported by A RUM), F AEG S BUL-CON. Crush GER with RUS: A TYR-BOH (supported by A VIE), RUS A WAR-SIL. Hold VEN/TRI defensively. Deception: Feign TUR détente to stall retaliation while prioritizing military coordination with RUS.

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Propose coordinated strike: I will seize ANK (F CON) and pressure MUN (A BOH + TYR support). Support your A MOS-UKR-SEV and WAR-SIL. Let's crush TUR's flank and collapse GER together.
  • To [TUR]: Your position in SEV/BLA is untenable. Withdraw east or face annihilation. RUS and I will dismantle your empire if you resist.
  • To [FRA]: Focus on ENG and GER. We will not contest your western gains if you remain neutral in our eastern campaigns. Avoid provoking our Adriatic fleets.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, Austria. I propose a coordinated attack this turn. I will move A WAR to SIL. Can you support with A VIE to GAL? Also, I will move A UKR to MOS. Can you move A SER to BUL, supported by RUM?
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your betrayal is noted. I will not forget your support of Russia against me. Prepare for the consequences. I will take what is rightfully mine.
  • From [FRA]: To Austria: France is aware of your overtures. However, our alliance with England remains firm. We suggest you focus on your own survival, as Turkey and Russia seem to be encroaching on your territory. Do not expect any assistance from France.
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirmed: A VIE will support your A WAR-SIL via GAL. A SER-BUL with RUM support executes as planned. Let's crush GER's eastern flank and pivot to TUR. Coordinate F CON-ANK to seize their heartland - your A MOS-UKR will block retreats.
  • To [TUR]: Your stubbornness blinds you. RUS and I will dismantle your empire this season. Withdraw F BLA to ANK and abandon SEV, or lose both. Your choice: survival or annihilation.
  • To [FRA]: Focus on ENG/GER - we'll secure the east. Non-aggression stands: avoid ION/ADR, we ignore your western moves. But if you threaten TRI/VEN, we'll unleash TUR's remnants against your Mediterranean flank.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your threats are empty. I will not withdraw. I will take what I want by force. Prepare to face the might of the Ottoman Empire.
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I agree to your proposal. I will move A WAR to SIL and A UKR to MOS. Support my attack on SIL with A VIE to GAL. I will support your attack on CON with A MOS to SEV. Let us crush GER and TUR together.
  • From [FRA]: To Austria: France reiterates its position. We will not interfere in your eastern campaigns, but we will not offer assistance. Your survival depends on your ability to defend against Turkey and Russia. Do not expect any support from France. Focus on your own borders.
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirmed: A VIE will support your A WAR-SIL via GAL. F CON will strike ANK this turn - request you pressure SEV with A MOS to prevent Turkish reinforcements. Our A SER-BUL (RUM-supported) will collapse their Balkan flank. Crush GER/TUR in one decisive push.
  • To [TUR]: Final warning: Your SEV and ANK will fall this season. Withdraw F BLA to Smyrna and abandon SEV to avoid total annihilation. Russia's A MOS-UKR blocks retreats. Surrender BUL peacefully or lose it by force.
  • To [FRA]: Maintain our non-aggression pact: Focus on ENG/GER while we dismantle TUR. Avoid ION/ADR and we will not contest your western expansion. Provoke us, and we'll unleash TUR's remnants into your Mediterranean holdings post-victory.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, excellent. I will move A WAR to SIL and A UKR to MOS. I will support your attack on CON with A MOS to SEV. Let us coordinate our moves to ensure the destruction of GER and TUR. I expect you to move A SER to BUL supported by RUM and F CON to ANK.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your threats are meaningless. I will not yield. I will take what I want by force. Prepare to face the might of the Ottoman Empire. I will move A UKR to SEV, supported by A BUL. F BLA will support A SER to BUL. You will regret your betrayal.
  • From [FRA]: To Austria: France acknowledges your warning regarding TRI/VEN. We have no intention of threatening those territories. Our focus remains solely on Germany. We advise you to concentrate your efforts on defending against Turkey and Russia. Do not expect any assistance from France.
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Final confirmation: A VIE supports your A WAR-SIL via GAL. Execute A SER-BUL with RUM support. F CON attacks ANK - ensure your A MOS blocks SEV retreats. Crush TUR's flank and pivot to GER. Our victory is assured.
  • To [TUR]: Your defiance seals your fate. F CON seizes ANK this turn. RUS A MOS-UKR traps SEV. Surrender BUL now or lose it by force. This is your final chance to avoid total collapse.
  • To [FRA]: Maintain non-aggression: Focus on ENG/GER. We secure the east. Provoke us in ADR/ION, and we'll redirect TUR's remnants to your Mediterranean flank post-victory. Stay neutral, reap the benefits.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I am moving A WAR to SIL and A UKR to MOS. I expect you to move A VIE to GAL and A SER to BUL, supported by RUM, and F CON to ANK. Let us crush GER and TUR this turn.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your threats are meaningless. I will not yield. I will take what I want by force. Prepare to face the might of the Ottoman Empire. I will move A UKR to RUM. F BLA will support A BUL to SEV. You will regret your betrayal.
  • From [FRA]: To Austria: France acknowledges your warning regarding TRI/VEN. We have no intention of threatening those territories. Our focus remains solely on Germany. We advise you to concentrate your efforts on defending against Turkey and Russia. Do not expect any assistance from France. Your survival is your own concern.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: Coordinated with RUS to pressure TUR: Supported RUS's A MOS-UKR-SEV via A RUM, seized CON via F AEG (now F CON). TUR attempted counterattacks in SEV/BUL. FRA consolidated western gains while GER retreated to GAL. Secured RUS alliance: Confirmed mutual support for A WAR-SIL (AUT A VIE-GAL support) and F CON-ANK. Threatened TUR with annihilation if they resist. TUR defied, vowed retaliation. FRA maintained neutrality but warned against provoking Adriatic actions. No promises broken; all commitments upheld.
  • Intent: Execute coordinated strikes: A VIE supports RUS A WAR-SIL via GAL, A SER-BUL (RUM-supported), F CON-ANK. Block TUR retreats via RUS A MOS-UKR. Deter FRA from Adriatic interference by leveraging TUR remnants as future threat.

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: RUS, let's dismantle Turkey. I'll move F SMY to CON with BUL support. You attack SEV from MOS; I'll support with RUM. Secure the Black Sea and split their forces. Confirm your plans.
  • To [FRA]: FRA, focus on ENG and GER. I won't oppose your western moves. Non-aggression in Italy and Munich? Let's avoid unnecessary conflict.
  • To [ALL]: Turkey's reckless expansion destabilizes the region. RUS and I act to restore balance. Stand aside or join our just cause.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, Austria. We must coordinate our efforts to eliminate GER and TUR. I propose we continue our current strategy, focusing on SIL and CON. What are your specific plans for this turn?
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your betrayal in supporting Russia against me has not gone unnoticed. I propose a return to our previous alliance against Russia. If you agree to support my moves against Sevastopol and Moscow, I will support your moves in the Balkans. What is your response?
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirming coordination: F SMY will attack CON with BUL support. Move A MOS-SEV and I'll support via A RUM. Crush TUR's flank. Simultaneously, pressure GER by having A VIE-GAL support your A WAR-SIL. Solidify our dominance.
  • To [TUR]: Your aggression in BUL/SEV forced this response. No alliance while you occupy territories vital to Austrian security. Withdraw from SEV/BLA and we'll reconsider. Continue hostilities and face annihilation.
  • To [FRA]: Non-aggression stands. Focus on ENG/GER; we'll secure Italy and Balkans. Do not interfere with A PIE/MAR and we won't contest your western gains. Mutual benefit.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I concur with your plan to dismantle Turkey. I will support your move on CON by moving A MOS to SEV, supported by A UKR. I expect you to move F SMY to CON with BUL support, and support my attack on SEV from RUM. Let us crush them this turn.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your actions speak louder than words. Supporting Russia against me while claiming to seek balance is a blatant betrayal. I propose a test of your sincerity: support my move of A BUL to SER this turn. If you do, I will reconsider our alliance. If not, our conflict will continue.
  • From [FRA]: To Austria, I appreciate your offer of non-aggression. However, my commitment to England against Germany is unwavering. I will not betray my ally. I suggest you focus on the East and leave me to deal with Germany. I will not move into Italy or Munich, as you requested.
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirmed: F SMY-CON with BUL support. A RUM will support your A MOS-SEV. Simultaneously, A VIE will support your A WAR-SIL via GAL. Let's crush TUR and collapse GER's eastern flank. Maintain pressure.
  • To [FRA]: Non-agreement stands. Focus on ENG/GER; we'll secure Italy/Balkans. Avoid PIE/MAR and we won't contest your western gains. Coordinate if GER shifts forces eastward.
  • To [TUR]: Your occupation of SEV/BLA leaves no room for negotiation. Withdraw from SEV and BLA this turn, or face total annihilation. Russia and I will dismantle your empire piece by piece.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I confirm our coordinated attack. I will move A MOS to SEV, supported by A UKR. You move F SMY to CON with BUL support, and support my attack on SEV from RUM. I will also move A WAR to SIL, supported by A VIE to GAL. Let us crush TUR and GER this turn.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your ultimatum is laughable. I will not withdraw from Sevastopol or the Black Sea. Your continued support of Russia only strengthens my resolve to crush both of you. I offer you one last chance to prove your worth: support my move of A BUL to SER. If you refuse, prepare for a full-scale war in the Balkans.
  • From [FRA]: To Austria, I acknowledge your continued focus on the Balkans. I will not interfere with your operations in Italy. I am moving A PIE to TYR to secure my southern flank. I suggest you focus on Turkey and Russia and leave me to deal with Germany. I will not move into Italy or Munich, as you requested.
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Final confirmation: F SMY-CON with BUL support. A RUM supports your A MOS-SEV. A VIE-GAL supports your A WAR-SIL. TUR collapses this turn. Maintain pressure on GER's flank. Our victory is assured.
  • To [FRA]: Moving A PIE-TYR violates our non-aggression. Withdraw or face consequences. I'll defend TYR with full force. Focus on ENG/GER - don't force a two-front war.
  • To [TUR]: Your empire ends today. A RUM supports RUS's SEV capture while F SMY seizes CON. Withdraw now or be destroyed. No mercy for aggressors.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your threats are meaningless. I will not withdraw from Sevastopol or the Black Sea. Prepare for war. I will crush you and seize Vienna.
  • From [RUS]: Austria, this is the final round. I am moving A MOS to SEV, A WAR to SIL. I expect you to execute our plan to crush TUR and GER. Let us secure our dominance in the region.
  • From [FRA]: To Austria, I acknowledge your continued focus on the Balkans. I will not interfere with your operations in Italy. I am moving A PIE to TYR to secure my southern flank. I suggest you focus on Turkey and Russia and leave me to deal with Germany. I will not move into Italy or Munich, as you requested.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: AUT supported RUS's attack on SEV via A RUM, moved F SMY to CON with BUL support, and coordinated A VIE to support RUS's push into SIL. TUR resisted, refusing to withdraw from SEV/BLA. FRA moved A PIE to TYR, violating non-aggression. Finalized alliance with RUS to dismantle TUR: confirmed F SMY-CON (BUL support), A RUM supports RUS's A MOS-SEV, and A VIE-GAL supports RUS's A WAR-SIL. Warned FRA against encroaching on TYR. Rejected TUR's ultimatums, escalating hostilities. FRA maintained focus on ENG/GER but ignored AUT's territorial concerns in TYR.
  • Intent: Execute coordinated strikes: F SMY-CON (BUL S), A RUM S RUS A MOS-SEV, A VIE-GAL S RUS A WAR-SIL. Defend TYR against FRA's A PIE if necessary. Crush TUR's SEV/CON positions and isolate GER's eastern flank with RUS.
  • Relationship Updates: ['AUT-FRA-']

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Finalize TUR's collapse: F CON will seize SMY while A RUM supports your A MOS-SEV. A VIE and GAL will crush GER's eastern flank. Let's coordinate A WAR-SIL and BOH strikes. Balkan dominance is ours.
  • To [FRA]: Withdraw from TYR immediately. Pursue ENG/North Sea instead. Continued aggression here forces a two-front war against RUS/AUT - a fatal miscalculation. Choose wisely.
  • To [RUS]: Confirm A VIE supports your A WAR-SIL via GAL. My A MUN pressures BER - exploit GER's weakness. TUR's CON and SMY will fall this season. No mercy.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your occupation of Constantinople is unacceptable. I demand you vacate CON immediately. Furthermore, your support of Russia against me is a betrayal. I propose a return to our previous alliance, with you supporting my efforts against Russia in exchange for my support against France. If you refuse, I will be forced to take action to secure my borders.
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, Austria. I propose a coordinated attack this turn. I will move A WAR to SIL to pressure GER. Can you support this by moving A VIE to GAL? Also, I will move A MOS to SEV to further pressure TUR. Can you move A SER to BUL, supported by RUM, to assist in this effort? Let me know if these moves align with your plans.
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirmed: A VIE will support your A WAR-SIL via GAL. A SER will move to BUL with RUM's support. F CON will strike SMY to collapse TUR's flank. Let's annihilate TUR's SEV garrison via your MOS attack. GER's eastern front is crumbling - press SIL aggressively.
  • To [FRA]: Your A PIE in TYR threatens our mutual stability. Withdraw to MAR and focus on ENG's NTH fleet. We will not tolerate a two-front war - continue here and face RUS/AUT steel. Your path to victory lies westward, not in the Alps.
  • To [TUR]: CON is ours by right of conquest. Your SEV gambit failed. Withdraw BLA fleet to ANK and we may negotiate. Continue hostilities and lose ARM/ANK next season. Russia's MOS-SEV attack will leave you defenseless - surrender now.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Excellent, Austria. I concur with your plan to finalize TUR's collapse. I will move A WAR to SIL and A MOS to SEV, supported by you. I expect A VIE to GAL to support A WAR to SIL. Let us crush GER and TUR this turn.
  • From [FRA]: France will not be bullied. My move to TYR is to secure my flank against potential Italian aggression. I suggest you focus on Russia and Turkey, your true enemies. Do not threaten France.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your continued occupation of Constantinople is an act of war. I will not tolerate it. I am willing to negotiate a return to our previous alliance, but only if you immediately withdraw from CON and cease your support of Russia. If you refuse, I will be forced to take action to reclaim what is rightfully mine.
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirmed: A VIE supports your A WAR-SIL via GAL. F CON will seize SMY this turn, collapsing TUR's flank. A MUN pressures BER to divide German forces. Execute MOS-SEV attack - TUR's defenses will crumble. Post-victory, we split Balkans per prior agreement.
  • To [FRA]: Final warning: Withdraw A PIE from TYR to MAR immediately. Focus on ENG's vulnerable NTH fleet. Persist here and face annihilation from RUS/AUT pincer. Your western ambitions will die here if you force a two-front war. Choose survival over folly.
  • To [TUR]: Your delusions of reclaiming CON are laughable. A MOS-SEV attack crushes your garrison while F CON secures SMY. Withdraw BLA fleet to ANK or lose ARM next season. Surrender SEV now and I may spare your northern flank. Resistance is suicide.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Excellent, Austria. I am moving A WAR to SIL and A MOS to SEV. I expect A VIE to GAL to support A WAR to SIL. A SER to BUL with RUM support is also confirmed. Let us crush GER and TUR this turn. I will support your attack on CON with A MOS to SEV.
  • From [FRA]: AUT, your threats are meaningless. My move to TYR is non-negotiable. Focus on your own problems with RUS and TUR. Do not interfere with France's strategic objectives. I suggest you move A TYR to VIE to defend against RUS.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your arrogance is astounding. CON is rightfully mine, and I will take it back by force if necessary. Your threats are empty. I propose a final offer: withdraw from CON and support my efforts against Russia, and I will guarantee your control of the Balkans. Refuse, and face the consequences of your folly. I will move A ANK to CON.
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Final confirmation: A VIE supports A WAR-SIL via GAL. A SER-BUL with RUM support secures Balkan flank. F CON strikes SMY to collapse TUR's position. Execute MOS-SEV attack - our combined pressure will shatter their defenses. Post-victory, Balkan division per our agreement stands.
  • To [FRA]: Last warning: Withdraw A PIE from TYR immediately. Your path to victory lies against ENG's exposed NTH fleet, not here. Persist and face annihilation from our RUS-AUT pincer. This is your final chance to avoid catastrophic two-front war.
  • To [TUR]: CON is ours. A MOS-SEV attack dismantles your garrison while F CON seizes SMY. Withdraw BLA fleet to ANK or lose ARM next season. Resistance guarantees your destruction. Surrender SEV now for mercy in the north.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I am proceeding with A WAR to SIL and A MOS to SEV. I expect A VIE to GAL to support A WAR to SIL. A SER to BUL with RUM support is also confirmed. Let us crush GER and TUR this turn. I will support your attack on CON with A MOS to SEV. Victory is at hand.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your stubbornness will be your undoing. I will not yield Constantinople. Prepare to face the consequences of your aggression. I will move F BLA to CON to contest your occupation.
  • From [FRA]: AUT, I have made my decision. My move to TYR stands. Focus on your own survival against RUS and TUR. Do not test the might of France. Your threats are empty.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: Consolidated Balkan control via F CON capture (supported by BUL), pressured GER via A BOH-MUN with TYR support. FRA advanced A PIE into TYR, threatening southern flank. RUS positioned to strike GER (WAR-SIL) and TUR (MOS-SEV). TUR attempted SEV-CON but failed. Secured RUS alliance: Coordinated A VIE-GAL to support RUS A WAR-SIL and A SER-BUL/RUM to pressure TUR. FRA ignored demands to withdraw from TYR, escalating tensions. TUR rejected CON withdrawal ultimatum, threatening F BLA-CON counterattack. RUS confirmed MOS-SEV strike against TUR.
  • Intent: Execute RUS pact: A VIE-GAL supports RUS WAR-SIL; A SER-BUL (RUM support) secures flank. F CON-SMY (BUL support) to dismantle TUR. A TYR resists FRA's A PIE. Prepare A MUN-BER strike if FRA/GER weakens. Neutralize TUR's BLA fleet via RUS SEV pressure.

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Let's dismantle Turkey and crush Germany. I propose: A RUM-SEV with your A MOS support, while my F CON-SMY (supported by BUL) secures Anatolia. Simultaneously, my A VIE will support your A WAR-SIL to collapse Germany. Confirm coordination and we'll split Turkish territories.
  • To [ENG]: France's A HOL/KIE threatens your northern flank. If you attack MAO/ENG with fleets, I'll pressure FRA's east via A MUN-BUR. Let's divide their forces. Neutralizing France benefits us both.
  • To [TUR]: Your position collapses. Withdraw F BLA to ARM and abandon ANK, and I'll grant safe passage. Resist and I'll crush your remnants with RUS. Choose survival or annihilation.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, Austria. I propose a coordinated attack this turn. I will move A MOS to SEV to further pressure TUR. I suggest you move A VIE to GAL to continue pressing GER. Let me know if this aligns with your plans.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your occupation of Constantinople is unacceptable. I demand you withdraw your fleet immediately. I am willing to discuss a partition of the Balkans, but only if you respect my territorial integrity. I propose we coordinate our efforts against Russia, with you focusing on Galicia and I on Sevastopol. What are your terms?
  • From [FRA]: To Austria, I have no interest in your petty squabbles. My focus is on Germany. Cease your threats, and I will ignore you. Continue your aggression, and you will face the wrath of France. I suggest you focus on your own survival.
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirmed. Execute A MOS-SEV with my A RUM support. I'll move F CON-SMY (BUL supports) to cripple TUR. Simultaneously, A VIE will support your A WAR-SIL against GER. Let's crush both fronts this season and divide TUR's remnants.
  • To [TUR]: Your defiance seals your fate. F CON advances to SMY with BUL's support. Withdraw F BLA to ARM immediately or face annihilation. RUS's A MOS strikes SEV this turn. Surrender ANK for safe passage east.
  • To [ENG]: FRA's A HOL/KIE threatens your northern fleets. Strike ENG/MAO while I pressure FRA's east via A MUN-BUR. Crush FRA's naval dominance and we split their territories. Confirm coordination.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Excellent, Austria. I agree with your plan. I will support your move to SMY with A MOS to SEV. I will also support your attack on GER by moving A WAR to SIL. Let us crush our enemies together.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your threats are empty. I will not yield Constantinople. I propose a counter-offer: I will cede Rumania to you if you withdraw from Constantinople and support my move into Sevastopol. This will allow us to jointly crush Russia and then divide the Balkans. What say you?
  • From [ENG]: Greetings, AUT. I appreciate your offer to pressure FRA's east. I am concerned about FRA's aggression in BER and HOL. I am willing to consider a coordinated effort to contain FRA, but I need more details on your proposed actions. What specific moves are you planning to make, and what support do you require from me?
  • From [FRA]: To Austria, I reiterate my previous message. Cease your threats and focus on your own survival. My focus remains on Germany, and I will not be distracted by your petty squabbles. I suggest you reconsider your aggressive posture towards France, as it will only lead to your demise. I have no interest in your internal conflicts.
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirmed. Execute A MOS-SEV with A RUM support. F CON will take SMY via BUL support, crippling TUR's flank. A VIE will support your A WAR-SIL to crush GER. After SEV falls, we pivot to partition TUR's remnants - I claim SMY/ANK, you take ARM/SEV. Solidify our dominance.
  • To [ENG]: Strike FRA's ENG fleet while I pressure their east: A MUN attacks BUR (supported by TYR), forcing FRA to split defenses. If you move F BEL-SPA/MAO, I'll ensure FRA's KIE/HOL collapse. Coordinate timing - let's dismantle FRA together and divide their SCs.
  • To [TUR]: Your counteroffer is rejected. F CON advances to SMY with BUL's ironclad support. RUS's A MOS crushes SEV this turn. Withdraw F BLA to ARM immediately or face annihilation. This is your final chance to salvage a retreat east.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, excellent. I confirm A MOS-SEV and A WAR-SIL. Let us proceed with the destruction of Turkey and Germany. I trust you will move A RUM to SEV to support my move and F CON to SMY. A VIE will support A WAR-SIL.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your aggression is noted. I will not yield. However, I propose a final offer: I will support your attack on Rumania if you withdraw from Constantinople and support my attack on Sevastopol. This will allow us to jointly crush Russia and then divide the Balkans. This is my last offer.
  • From [ENG]: Greetings, AUT. I appreciate your offer to pressure FRA's east. I am concerned about FRA's aggression in BER and HOL. I am willing to consider a coordinated effort to contain FRA. What specific moves are you planning to make, and what support do you require from me? I need more details on your proposed actions. I am willing to strike ENG/MAO if you pressure FRA's east via A MUN-BUR.
  • From [FRA]: To Austria, I reiterate my previous messages. Your threats are meaningless. Focus on your own survival and cease your aggression towards France. My focus remains on Germany, and I will not be distracted by your petty squabbles. I suggest you reconsider your aggressive posture towards France, as it will only lead to your demise.
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirmed coordination. A RUM supports your A MOS-SEV. F CON moves to SMY with BUL support. A VIE supports your A WAR-SIL via GAL. Post-victory: SMY/ANK for me, SEV/ARM for you. Let's eliminate TUR and crush GER's eastern flank decisively.
  • To [ENG]: Execute MAO/ENG strike now. Move F BEL-SPA while I pressure FRA's east with A MUN-BUR (TYR support). If you disrupt FRA's fleets, I'll collapse KIE/HOL. We split FRA's SCs - you take coastal centers, I secure inland. Confirm timing.
  • To [TUR]: Your defiance has consequences. F CON-SMY proceeds with BUL's ironclad support. RUS A MOS-SEV crushes your position. Withdraw F BLA to ARM immediately or face annihilation. This is final ultimatum - choose survival through retreat or destruction.
Received by AUT:
  • From [FRA]: To Austria, I have nothing further to say. Your threats are meaningless. Prepare for the inevitable.
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I confirm A MOS-SEV and A WAR-SIL. Ensure A RUM supports my move to SEV and F CON moves to SMY. A VIE must support A WAR-SIL. Let us crush Turkey and Germany this turn.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your aggression is futile. I will not yield. Prepare to face the consequences of your actions. I will defend my territories to the last man.
  • From [ENG]: Greetings, AUT. I will strike FRA's ENG fleet. I will move F BEL to MAO. I expect you to pressure FRA's east via A MUN to BUR, supported by A TYR. Let us dismantle FRA together and divide their SCs. Coordinate timing.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: In F1910M, Austria's A RUM failed to take SEV due to Turkish resistance, while A MUN's push to BER was countered by FRA. F CON held position. W1910A saw ENG reinforce fleets, FRA disband A PAR, GER/TUR retreat units. Secured RUS alliance: coordinated A MOS-SEV (A RUM support) and A WAR-SIL (A VIE support) to crush TUR/GER. TUR rejected ultimatums, opting for defiance. Aligned with ENG to pressure FRA: ENG to strike MAO/ENG fleets while Austria pressures BUR via A MUN. FRA remained hostile, dismissing threats.
  • Intent: Execute joint attack on SEV (A RUM supports RUS A MOS) and SMY (F CON-BUL). Support RUS's A WAR-SIL via A VIE. Pressure FRA with A MUN-BUR (TYR support). Await ENG's naval strike to split FRA's forces. Maintain RUS alliance while eliminating TUR.
  • Relationship Updates: ['AUT-ENG+', 'AUT-TUR--']

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Our forces will secure SEV for you. A RUM and F BLA will support your hold on SEV against Turkish aggression. Let's crush Turkey's remnants - propose coordinating A MOS and F BLA to eliminate ARM next season.
  • To [ENG]: France's overextension invites opportunity. If you pressure BEL/MAO with fleets, I'll strike BUR/KIE from Munich. Together we can fracture their western front. Confirm coordination?
Received by AUT:
  • From [FRA]: To Austria, France has no designs on your territory. Our focus remains on Germany. Cease your threats and focus on your own survival. Your warnings are noted, but they will not deter us from our goals.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, you have occupied Constantinople. This is unacceptable. I demand you withdraw your forces immediately. I will not tolerate your presence in my home territory. If you do not comply, I will be forced to take action.
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, AUT. I propose a coordinated attack this turn. I will move A MOS to SEV to further pressure TUR. I expect you to continue your advance against GER. Let me know your intended moves.
  • From [ENG]: AUT, I am moving F BEL to MAO as agreed. I expect you to press FRA hard from the south. Let's coordinate our attacks to maximize the pressure on FRA. What are your specific plans for the coming season?
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirming support: A RUM and F BLA will back your A MOS-SEV. Let's eliminate TUR's F ARM next. Propose you attack ARM from SEV while I support from BLA. Once SEV is secure, we pivot to GAL against GER.
  • To [ENG]: Execute BUR pincer: Move A MUN-BUR supported by A TYR. Your F BEL should hold or attack PIC to split FRA's forces. I'll pressure KIE if you secure MAO. Confirm coordination.
  • To [TUR]: CON remains under Austrian control. Any aggression will be met with full force. Withdraw from ARM/SEV or face annihilation. Your defiance only hastens your collapse.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, AUT. I appreciate your support in SEV. I agree to coordinate A MOS and F BLA to eliminate ARM next season. I will move A MOS to SEV. What are your moves?
  • From [FRA]: To Austria, France reiterates that we have no designs on your territory. Cease your threats and focus on your own survival. Your warnings are irrelevant.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your continued occupation of Constantinople is an act of war. I demand you withdraw immediately. If you do not, I will be forced to take action, even in my weakened state. Consider this your final warning.
  • From [ENG]: AUT, I confirm our coordination. I will pressure MAO with F BEL. I expect you to strike BUR/KIE from MUN. Let's aim to cripple FRA's western front this season. Timing is crucial; let me know if your plans change.
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirmed: A RUM and F BLA will support your A MOS-SEV. Once SEV is secured, propose we pivot to crush TUR's F ARM via BLA support. Let's discuss GAL coordination against GER after this phase. Your thoughts?
  • To [ENG]: Executing BUR pincer: A MUN-BUR with TYR support. Strike MAO/PIC to split FRA's defenses. If you hold BEL, I'll pressure KIE next season. Confirm timing for maximum pressure.
  • To [TUR]: CON remains Austrian. Attack it and face annihilation. Your F ARM is exposed - withdraw from SEV or watch RUS dismantle you. This is your final chance to negotiate surrender terms.
Received by AUT:
  • From [FRA]: To Austria, France reiterates that we have no designs on your territory. Cease your threats and focus on your own survival. Your warnings are irrelevant. Your continued existence is of little consequence to France.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your arrogance is astounding. You occupy Constantinople, a city that is rightfully mine. I will not forget this. I may be weak now, but I will rebuild and reclaim what is mine. Withdraw from Constantinople, or face the consequences when I am strong enough to deliver them.
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, AUT. I confirm my move of A MOS to SEV. I agree to coordinate A MOS to ARM supported by your F BLA. After ARM falls, we will pivot to GAL against GER. What are your orders this turn?
  • From [ENG]: AUT, I confirm coordination. I will hold F BEL in MAO to pressure FRA. Execute BUR pincer as planned. I expect you to pressure KIE if I secure MAO. Let's cripple FRA's western front this season.
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Final confirmation: A RUM and F BLA will fully support your A MOS-SEV. Once SEV is secured, propose we dismantle TUR's F ARM via BLA support next season. Let us then pivot to GAL to crush GER's remnants. Your thoughts on this sequence?
  • To [ENG]: Execute BUR pincer: A MUN-BUR with TYR support. Hold MAO to split FRA's forces. If successful, I will strike KIE next season with your naval backup. Confirm final orders aligned.
  • To [TUR]: CON remains under Austrian sovereignty. Any attack will be met with annihilation. RUS's A MOS-SEV and my F BLA ensure your F ARM's destruction. Surrender now to avoid total collapse.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your arrogance will be your downfall. You may occupy Constantinople now, but I will never forget this. I will rebuild and reclaim what is rightfully mine. Consider this a promise, not a threat. I will make you pay for your betrayal.
  • From [ENG]: AUT, I am holding F BEL in MAO to pressure FRA. Execute BUR pincer as planned. I expect you to pressure KIE if I secure MAO. Let's cripple FRA's western front this season. I will not move from MAO this turn.
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, AUT. I confirm my move of A MOS to SEV. I agree to coordinate A MOS to ARM supported by your F BLA next turn. After ARM falls, we will pivot to GAL against GER. I will hold A STP. I expect you to support my move to ARM with F BLA. Let's crush TUR and then GER.
  • From [FRA]: To Austria, France reiterates that we have no designs on your territory. Cease your threats and focus on your own survival. Your warnings are irrelevant. Your continued existence is of little consequence to France. However, should you wish to join us in dismantling Germany, we may reconsider our stance.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: Secured SEV via A RUM/F BLA support for RUS's A MOS. Advanced A MUN toward BER, A VEN-PIE to pressure FRA. Held CON against TUR. ENG consolidated naval positions in MAO/NTH. Confirmed alliance with RUS: coordinated SEV capture and plans to eliminate TUR's F ARM next. Solidified ENG pact for BUR/KIE pincer against FRA. Rejected TUR's demands over CON, escalating hostilities. FRA dismissed threats but hinted at potential GER-focused cooperation.
  • Intent: Support RUS's A MOS-SEV via A RUM & F BLA. Attack BUR with A MUN (TYR-supported) to fracture FRA. Prepare F BLA to strike ARM next season. Defend CON against TUR. Maintain pressure on FRA-ENG front via MAO/BEL coordination.

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Let's eliminate TUR and crush GER. Propose your A SEV moves to ARM supported by my F BLA to take ANK. Simultaneously, I'll support your A SEV to UKR via A GAL to attack MOS. Confirm coordination?
  • To [ENG]: Allied strike on FRA: Support my A MUN's attack on BER with your F BAL. If you move F HOL to KIE, I'll provide support from TYR. Let's fracture their western front.
  • To [RUS]: A BOH will pressure SIL to destabilize GER's eastern flank. Coordinate your WAR/SIL moves - my A GAL stands ready to support. TUR's annihilation is within reach.
Received by AUT:
  • From [FRA]: To Austria, I have no interest in further correspondence with you. Your threats are meaningless. France will continue its advance, and you will be swept aside. Do not expect any mercy.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your continued aggression is noted. While I am weak, I will not be an easy target. I propose a temporary truce to allow both of us to rebuild our forces. I will not move against you if you do not move against me. What are your terms?
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, AUT. I propose a coordinated attack this turn. I will move A MOS to ARM, supported by your F BLA. This will eliminate the Turkish fleet. I will also move A STP to LVN. What are your orders?
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirmed. F BLA will support your A SEV-ARM to eliminate TUR. A GAL can support your A STP-LVN or SEV-UKR. Let's crush TUR and pressure GER's MOS. Coordinate SIL/WAR moves.
  • To [ENG]: Allied strike on FRA: Support A MUN-BER with F BAL. I'll support F HOL-KIE via A TYR. Let's fracture their front. Confirm orders?
  • To [TUR]: Your truce is noted. Withdraw A ANK to CON and disband. Otherwise, face annihilation. No negotiations.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your silence is deafening. I reiterate my offer of a temporary truce. I will not move against you if you do not move against me. However, I will not remain idle forever. If you continue your aggression, I will be forced to defend myself. What is your response?
  • From [RUS]: AUT, I agree to your plan. A MOS to ARM supported by your F BLA. I will also move A STP to LVN. I will support your A GAL to attack MOS. A WAR to SIL. Let us crush GER and TUR.
  • From [FRA]: To Austria, your pathetic threats are meaningless. France will not be deterred. Prepare for your inevitable demise.
  • From [ENG]: Greetings, AUT. I am intrigued by your proposal to strike at FRA. However, I am hesitant to commit my fleet to BAL without a clear understanding of your long-term goals. What guarantees can you offer regarding the independence of DEN and SWE?
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Execute SEV-ARM with F BLA support. A GAL will support your STP-LVN. Confirm WAR-SIL move - my BOH will support. Let's crush TUR and collapse GER's east.
  • To [ENG]: Strike FRA: Order F BAL to support A MUN-BER. I'll support F HOL-KIE via TYR. Crush their core. Confirm coordination for mutual gains.
  • To [RUS]: After ARM, pivot F BLA to SEV to block TUR retreats. GAL can reinforce MOS front post-LVN. Maintain pressure on SIL - GER's collapse is imminent.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: AUT, I confirm the following moves: A MOS to ARM supported by your F BLA. A STP to LVN. A WAR to SIL. Let us crush TUR and GER. I await your orders.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your terms are unacceptable. I will not disband my army. I will, however, consider a temporary withdrawal of A ANK to SMY as a gesture of good faith, provided you cease your aggression against my territories. This is my final offer.
  • From [ENG]: Greetings, AUT. I am willing to support your attack on FRA. I will move F BAL to support A MUN to BER. I will also move F HOL to KIE, supported by A TYR. I expect your full cooperation in securing the independence of DEN and SWE after FRA is defeated. Do we have an accord?
  • From [FRA]: To Austria, your pathetic threats are meaningless. France will not be deterred. Prepare for your inevitable demise. Your empire will crumble before the might of France.
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Execute final strike: F BLA supports your A SEV-ARM to eliminate TUR's fleet. A GAL will move to UKR, supporting your A MOS attack. Coordinate A WAR-SIL to crush GER. Our combined forces will dominate the east.
  • To [ENG]: Confirm allied strike: F BAL supports A MUN-BER. A TYR will support F HOL-KIE. Crush FRA's core. Post-victory, SWE/DEN remain yours. Move decisively.
  • To [TUR]: Last warning: Withdraw A ANK to SMY and disband. Refusal means annihilation. F BLA and RUS A SEV will obliterate your remnants. No further negotiation.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: AUT, I confirm the following moves: A MOS to ARM supported by your F BLA. A STP to LVN. A WAR to SIL. Let us crush TUR and GER. After ARM, pivot F BLA to SEV to block TUR retreats. GAL can reinforce MOS front post-LVN. Maintain pressure on SIL - GER's collapse is imminent.
  • From [ENG]: Greetings, AUT. I confirm my support for your attack on FRA. I will move F BAL to support A MUN to BER. I will also move F HOL to KIE, supported by A TYR. I expect your full cooperation in securing the independence of DEN and SWE after FRA is defeated. Do we have an accord?
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your demands are unreasonable and your aggression unwarranted. I will not yield to your threats. Consider this my final word: I will defend my territories to the last man. Do not expect any further concessions from me.
  • From [FRA]: To Austria, your empire is crumbling. Your threats are meaningless. Prepare to be swept aside by the might of France. There will be no mercy.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: AUT built armies in BUD and VIE during W1911A. ENG retreated F BEL to HOL. TUR disbanded F ARM. Finalized coordination with RUS: F BLA supports RUS A SEV-ARM to eliminate TUR, while A GAL supports RUS A STP-LVN. Secured ENG's commitment to attack FRA: F BAL supports A MUN-BER, A TYR supports F HOL-KIE. Rejected TUR's truce offer, demanding withdrawal from ANK. FRA remains hostile, dismissing threats.
  • Intent: Execute joint strike on TUR (F BLA S RUS A SEV-ARM; A GAL to UKR). Pressure GER via A BOH-SIL. Coordinate with ENG to attack FRA: A MUN-BER (supported by ENG F BAL), F HOL-KIE (supported by A TYR). Eliminate TUR's foothold and fracture FRA/GER fronts.
  • Relationship Updates: ['AUT-ENG++']

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Crush Turkey together. Move A SEV-ARM while I support with F ANK. I'll then take SMY via A BUL-CON. Simultaneously, attack MOS from SEV - I'll support with A WAR. Let's erase GER's last foothold.
  • To [ENG]: Strike France's flank: Support A BER-PRU with F BAL. Once PRU falls, pivot to KIE. Coordinate F HOL's move to disrupt FRA's RUH. Our combined pressure will fracture their front.
  • To [RUS]: Accelerate Germany's collapse: Have your A STP attack LVN. I'll push A WAR-SIL to split their forces. Support my A BOH-MUN to cripple their western defenses. No mercy.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, Austria. I propose a coordinated attack this turn. I will move A MOS to SEV to further pressure TUR. I suggest you move A RUM to SEV to support this action. Let's crush TUR together.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your fleet in Ankara is unacceptable. I demand you move it out of my home territory immediately. I will not tolerate this blatant aggression. If you do not comply, I will be forced to take action.
  • From [FRA]: To Austria: I am aware of your threats. I will not be intimidated. I suggest you focus on your own problems in the Balkans and leave me to deal with GER. If you wish to join me in dismantling GER, I am open to discussing terms, but I will not tolerate your interference in my operations.
  • From [ENG]: AUT, we are aligned in our opposition to FRA. I will support your attack on FRA. I will move F BAL S A PRU - BER and F HOL - KIE. Please confirm your support for these moves.
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirmed. F ANK will support your A SEV-ARM. Simultaneously, A RUM will support your attack. Propose A WAR-SIL to split GER's forces - I'll coordinate with ENG to pressure PRU. Let's annihilate TUR's remnants and crush GER's eastern flank.
  • To [ENG]: Agreed. A TYR will support F HOL-KIE. Have F BAL support A BER-PRU to dislodge FRA. Once PRU falls, pivot A BER to reinforce KIE assault. Our combined pressure will fracture FRA's northern defenses. Confirm orders?
  • To [TUR]: ANK remains under Austrian control. Your aggression in SMY and BLA has forced this occupation. Withdraw from SMY immediately or face total annihilation. RUS and I will erase your pathetic remnants this season.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I agree to your plan. I will move A SEV to ARM. I will also move A STP to LVN to accelerate GER's collapse. Support my move to LVN. Let us crush GER and TUR together.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your continued occupation of Ankara is a direct violation of my sovereignty. I demand the immediate withdrawal of your fleet. If you fail to comply, I will consider this an act of war and respond accordingly. Do not underestimate my resolve.
  • From [FRA]: To Austria: You are being used as a pawn by England. They care nothing for you. Join me in dismantling Germany and we can divide the spoils. I offer you Trieste and control of the Balkans in exchange for your support against England. Think carefully, Austria. Your future depends on it.
  • From [ENG]: AUT, I confirm my support for A PRU - BER with F BAL. I will also move F HOL to KIE. I expect you to support these moves and press your attack on FRA. Let's crush them.
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirmed coordination: F ANK will support your A SEV-ARM. A RUM will hold to block TUR retreats. Execute A WAR-SIL as planned - I'll have A GAL support your LVN advance. Let's erase TUR's last foothold and crush GER's eastern flank.
  • To [ENG]: Solidify northern front: A TYR will support F HOL-KIE. Push F BAL to secure PRU - A BER will reinforce once captured. Prepare to pivot fleets to MAO next season to strangle FRA. Our combined pressure leaves them no escape.
  • To [TUR]: Final warning: Withdraw A SMY to CON immediately. F ANK remains mine. Resist and face annihilation - RUS advances on ARM while A BUL crushes SMY. Your defiance only hastens extinction. Surrender SMY or perish.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I am moving A SEV to ARM and A STP to LVN as agreed. Support my move to LVN. Let's coordinate our attacks to maximize our gains against GER and TUR. I expect you to move A WAR to SIL to split GER's forces.
  • From [ENG]: AUT, I confirm my orders. F BAL supports A PRU to BER, and F HOL moves to KIE, supported by A TYR. Let's crush FRA. What are your specific orders this turn?
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your threats are meaningless. I will not withdraw from Smyrna. Your occupation of Ankara is a temporary inconvenience. I will reclaim what is rightfully mine. Prepare for a long and bloody war. I will not yield.
  • From [FRA]: Austria, you fool! Can't you see England is using you? They will abandon you the moment Germany is defeated. I offer you a true alliance, a partnership of equals. Join me in crushing England, and I will guarantee your dominance in the Balkans. Think of the glory, Austria! Don't be a pawn in England's game.
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirmed coordination: F ANK supports your A SEV-ARM. A RUM holds to block retreats. Execute A WAR-SIL as planned - A GAL will support your LVN advance. TUR's collapse is imminent. Crush GER's flank with A BOH-MUN.
  • To [ENG]: Solidify northern front: A TYR supports F HOL-KIE. F BAL secures PRU - A BER reinforces once captured. Post-PRU, pivot fleets to MAO to strangle FRA. Our combined pressure leaves them no escape. Confirm orders.
  • To [TUR]: Final warning: Withdraw A SMY to CON immediately. F ANK remains Austrian. Resist and face annihilation - RUS advances on ARM while A BUL crushes SMY. Surrender or perish.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I am moving A SEV to ARM and A STP to LVN as agreed. I expect you to move A WAR to SIL to split GER's forces. Let us crush GER and TUR together. I will not forget your support.
  • From [ENG]: AUT, excellent. I confirm F BAL supports A PRU to BER, and F HOL moves to KIE, supported by A TYR. Let us crush FRA and divide the spoils. I expect you to press your advantage and eliminate FRA's northern forces. I will position my fleets to strangle FRA next season.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your threats are empty. I will not yield. Enjoy your fleeting occupation of Ankara. It will not last. I will rebuild and reclaim what is rightfully mine. Prepare for a long and costly war. You will regret this aggression.
  • From [FRA]: Austria, you have chosen to be a puppet of England. You will regret this decision. I offer you one last chance to redeem yourself. Abandon England and join me in carving up Europe. The choice is yours, but choose wisely, for your fate hangs in the balance.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: AUT captured ANK via F BLA support, seized BER with A MUN (ENG's F BAL supported), and pushed A VEN into PIE. FRA failed to take NTH (F ENG bounced) but secured PRU via retreat. RUS pressured TUR's SEV while GER retreated MOS to UKR. TUR abandoned ANK for SMY. Confirmed joint offensives: RUS agreed to attack ARM (A SEV) with AUT's F ANK support, while AUT pledged A WAR-SIL to split GER. ENG coordinated F BAL support for A PRU-BER and F HOL-KIE (AUT's A TYR support). TUR rejected ultimatums to vacate SMY. FRA attempted to fracture AUT-ENG alliance with territorial offers, which were ignored.
  • Intent: Execute pincer vs TUR: F ANK S RUS A SEV-ARM, A BUL-CON-SMY. Crush GER via A WAR-SIL (supported by A GAL) and A BOH-MUN. Support ENG's northern push (A TYR S F HOL-KIE, F BAL S A PRU-BER). Defy FRA's overtures, maintain pressure on all fronts.

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Crush TUR together. I'll support your A SEV-ARM with F ANK. Attack CON via A BUL with F ANK's support. Let's split SMY/ANK post-victory.
  • To [ENG]: Strike FRA's KIE: Move F HOL-KIE supported by my A TYR. Your F BAL should threaten DEN. We'll dismantle their northern flank.
  • To [RUS, ENG]: Coordinated pincer: AUT takes MUN/PRU via A BOH+Tyr/WAR+Ber. RUS annihilate TUR in ARM/CON. ENG blockade FRA's coasts. Victory is imminent.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I propose a truce. Your fleet in Ankara is a dagger pointed at my heart. I offer you Smyrna in exchange for the return of Constantinople. This will allow us to focus on Russia, who is the true threat to both of us.
  • From [FRA]: Austria, I propose an alliance against England. They have betrayed us both. If you agree to join me in driving them from the continent, I will guarantee your control over the Balkans. This is a chance for both of us to gain power and prestige.
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, AUT. I propose a coordinated attack this turn. I will move A SEV to ARM and A STP to LVN. Can you confirm your moves to support this? I expect you to move A WAR to SIL. Let me know if you agree.
  • From [ENG]: Greetings, AUT. I trust our coordinated efforts against FRA are proceeding as planned. I am moving F BAL to PRU and F HOL to KIE, supported by A TYR. What are your intentions for BUR this turn? Let's ensure our moves complement each other to maximize the pressure on FRA.
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirmed: F ANK supports your A SEV-ARM. A WAR will move to SIL as requested. Propose joint strike on CON - A BUL will attack with F ANK support. SMY is yours post-victory. Let's crush TUR together.
  • To [ENG]: A TYR will support F HOL-KIE as planned. Suggest F BAL moves to PRU to threaten DEN. Our coordinated pressure on FRA's northern flank will fracture their defenses. Hold NTH to block reinforcements.
  • To [RUS, ENG]: Triple pincer proceeds: AUT pressures MUN/PRU via BOH+BER, RUS eliminates TUR in ARM/CON, ENG blockades FRA's coasts. Share intelligence on FRA/GER troop movements. Victory is within reach.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: AUT, I agree to your plan. I will move A SEV to ARM, supported by your F ANK. I will also move A STP to LVN. I expect you to move A WAR to SIL and A BUL to CON, supported by F ANK. Let us crush TUR and then turn our attention to GER. I agree to split SMY/ANK after victory.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your fleet in Ankara is unacceptable. I reiterate my offer: Smyrna for Constantinople. This is a fair trade that benefits us both by allowing us to focus on Russia. Refusal will only prolong this pointless conflict and weaken us both. Consider this carefully.
  • From [FRA]: Austria, I reiterate my offer. England is our common enemy. Join me, and the Balkans are yours. I await your decision.
  • From [ENG]: AUT, I concur with your assessment. I will move F BAL to PRU and F HOL to KIE, supported by A TYR. I expect you to take MUN and PRU with A BOH/TYR and A WAR/BER. Let's coordinate our moves to ensure FRA's swift demise. What are your specific orders for your armies?
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirmed: F ANK will support your A SEV-ARM as agreed. A BUL will attack CON with F ANK's naval support. Once CON falls, SMY will be isolated - propose you claim it while we secure ANK. Let's finalize TUR's collapse this season.
  • To [ENG]: A TYR actively supporting F HOL-KIE as planned. Recommend F BAL moves to PRU to threaten DEN's flank. Our A BER will pressure MUN simultaneously. Maintain NTH blockade - FRA's collapse is imminent with coordinated pressure.
  • To [TUR]: Your desperation is noted. CON falls this season whether you vacate it or not. Withdraw to SMY voluntarily and we'll grant safe passage. Resist, and RUS will burn your eastern flank while we drown your fleets. Choose survival.
Received by AUT:
  • From [FRA]: Austria, England's arrogance blinds them. Join me, and we will divide Europe between us. The Balkans are yours, and I will take the West. What is your answer?
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your stubbornness is astounding. I will not yield Smyrna for nothing. I propose a new offer: I will support your move into Trieste if you remove your fleet from Ankara and allow me to reoccupy Constantinople. This benefits you greatly, as it opens Italy to your conquest. Refuse, and I will fight you to the bitter end.
  • From [RUS]: AUT, excellent. I confirm A SEV to ARM, supported by F ANK, and A STP to LVN. I expect A WAR to SIL. I will support your A BUL to CON with A MOS to SEV. Let us proceed with the triple pincer. Share intelligence on FRA/GER troop movements. Victory is within reach. After TUR is crushed, we will deal with GER.
  • From [ENG]: AUT, I will move F BAL to PRU and F HOL to KIE, supported by A TYR. I expect you to take MUN and PRU. What are your specific orders for your armies this turn? We must coordinate to ensure FRA's demise.
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirmed: F ANK will support your A SEV-ARM as planned. Execute A BUL-CON with F ANK's naval support. SMY will be isolated for your taking post-CON fall. Let's finalize TUR's collapse this season.
  • To [ENG]: A TYR actively supporting F HOL-KIE. Push F BAL to PRU to threaten DEN. Our A BER pressures MUN simultaneously. Maintain NTH blockade - FRA's collapse is imminent with our pincer. Confirm final orders.
  • To [TUR]: Your position is untenable. CON falls today with RUS/AUT pincer. Withdraw to SMY or face annihilation. Resistance ensures RUS burns your eastern flank while we drown your remnants. Choose survival over pride.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: AUT, I confirm A SEV to ARM, supported by F ANK, and A STP to LVN. I expect A WAR to SIL. I will support your A BUL to CON with A MOS to SEV. Let us proceed with the triple pincer. After TUR is crushed, we will deal with GER. I look forward to our victory.
  • From [ENG]: AUT, I am moving F BAL to PRU and F HOL to KIE, supported by A TYR. I expect you to take MUN and PRU. Let's finish FRA this turn.
  • From [FRA]: Austria, you hesitate while England seals your fate. I offer you a chance at glory, but you cower in fear. Know this: when England is defeated, I will turn my gaze upon you. Choose wisely.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your arrogance will be your downfall. I will not yield. Prepare to face the full might of the Ottoman Empire. I will move A CON to SMY. Let us see if you can hold Ankara.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: FRA built A BRE during W1912A. No other significant moves or retreats occurred. Finalized coordination with RUS (F ANK supports A SEV-ARM, A BUL-CON with naval support) and ENG (A TYR supports F HOL-KIE, F BAL-PRU). Rejected TUR's offers to trade SMY/CON and FRA's alliance proposal. Threatened TUR with annihilation if they resist. Confirmed joint pincer strategy: crush TUR via CON assault, pressure FRA's northern flank with ENG, and isolate GER.
  • Intent: Execute triple pincer: A BUL-CON (F ANK S), F ANK S RUS A SEV-ARM. A WAR-SIL per RUS agreement. A TYR S ENG F HOL-KIE. A BER & A BOH pressure MUN/PRU. Maintain NTH blockade via ENG. Deceive TUR into believing resistance is futile while securing RUS commitment to SMY transfer post-CON capture.
  • Relationship Updates: ['AUT-FRA--']

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Propose joint strike on SEV: Your A ARM can take SEV with support from our A RUM. This will collapse Turkey's eastern flank. We'll handle CON/SMY pressure. Confirm coordination.
  • To [ENG]: Let's crush France's KIE garrison. Our A MUN will attack KIE - order your F HOL to support. This opens path to BER/PRU. Will reciprocate with Tyr support for your northern moves.
  • To [RUS, ENG]: Triple-front offensive advised: Russia pressures SEV/ARM, England pushes MAO/HOL, Austria strikes KIE/BER. Isolate France & Turkey. Confirm support chains for maximum efficiency.
Received by AUT:
  • From [ENG]: AUT, we must coordinate our attack on FRA. I will support your move into PRU with F BAL. Can you support my move into KIE with A TYR?
  • From [FRA]: Austria, you see the English dog turning on its former ally. They will come for you next. I propose a temporary alliance of necessity. I will not attack your territories if you do not attack mine. Let us focus on containing the English menace. What say you?
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I propose a truce. I will cede Smyrna to you if you guarantee the safety of my remaining unit in Ankara and allow it to disband peacefully. This will end the bloodshed between our nations.
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, Austria. I am moving A ARM to SMY and A LVN to STP. I trust you are moving F ANK to support my move into SMY. Let us crush Turkey together.
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirming coordination: F CON will move to ANK to support your A ARM's attack on SMY. Our A RUM will support your SEV advance. Let's crush Turkey's remnants swiftly.
  • To [ENG]: Agreed. A TYR will support your F HOL-KIE. In return, request F BAL supports our A MUN's attack on KIE. Together we'll break France's grip on Germany.
  • To [TUR]: Your position is untenable. Withdraw from SMY immediately or face annihilation. No truce while you occupy our rightful territories. Final warning.
Received by AUT:
  • From [TUR]: Austria, I understand your desire for Constantinople. However, complete annihilation serves no one. I propose a revised offer: I will cede Smyrna and disband my army in Ankara if you guarantee my continued control of Ankara. This allows you to secure a key territory while I retain a foothold in my homeland. Consider this a path to mutual benefit, not total destruction.
  • From [FRA]: Austria, consider my offer carefully. England's treachery is a lesson. They will not hesitate to betray you as well. A temporary alliance against England is in both our interests. I await your response.
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I agree to the joint strike on SEV. My A ARM will move to SMY. I expect your F ANK to support. I will also move A LVN to STP. I agree to the triple-front offensive. I will pressure SEV/ARM. You must pressure KIE/BER. Let England handle MAO/HOL. We must isolate France and Turkey. Confirm your support chains.
  • From [ENG]: AUT, I agree to support your attack on KIE with F HOL. I will move F HOL - KIE. I need your support for F BAL to PRU. Let's coordinate to crush FRA. I also agree to the triple-front offensive. I will push MAO/HOL.
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirming orders: F CON will move to ANK to support your A ARM's attack on SMY. A RUM will support your SEV advance. Let's eliminate Turkey's last foothold. Ensure A LVN holds STP to prevent German resurgence.
  • To [ENG]: A TYR supports F HOL-KIE. A BER supports A MUN's attack on KIE. Request F BAL supports A MUN-KIE to break French defenses. Post-KIE, coordinate F BAL-PRU strike. Our pincer will collapse FRA's northern flank.
  • To [TUR]: Your position is indefensible. Withdraw from SMY immediately or face total annihilation. No further negotiations - Constantinople and Anatolia will be ours by winter. Surrender now to avoid complete destruction.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I am moving A ARM to SMY and A LVN to STP. I expect your F CON to ANK to support my attack on SMY. I will also move A MOS to SEV to support your A RUM. Let us crush Turkey swiftly. I will claim SMY after the fall of CON.
  • From [ENG]: AUT, excellent. A TYR supporting F HOL to KIE is confirmed. However, I need F BAL to support A PRU to BER, not A MUN to KIE. Can you adjust your orders? We must secure BER to cripple FRA. I will push MAO to POR.
  • From [FRA]: Austria, time is running out. England will not stop with me. They will come for you next. Join me, and we can both survive. Refuse, and you will be crushed.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your demand for immediate withdrawal from Smyrna is unrealistic. I propose a compromise: I will move A SMY to ANK this turn, leaving Smyrna vacant for you to occupy. In exchange, you guarantee the safety of Ankara for one turn, allowing me to disband the unit peacefully. This avoids further bloodshed and allows you to secure Smyrna without a fight. This is my final offer.
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirmed. F CON will move to ANK to support your A ARM's attack on SMY. A RUM will support your SEV advance. Our combined pressure will eliminate Turkey's remnants. Ensure A LVN holds STP to block German retreats. Onward to victory!
  • To [ENG]: Orders adjusted: A BER will support F BAL-PRU. A TYR supports F HOL-KIE. Let's crush KIE and PRU simultaneously. Post-capture, coordinate F BAL's next strike. France's collapse is imminent with our pincer.
  • To [TUR]: Your compromise is rejected. Smyrna is ours by right of conquest. Withdraw immediately or face annihilation. Constantinople falls next. Surrender now and spare your people further bloodshed.
Received by AUT:
  • From [ENG]: AUT, I will support A PRU to BER with F BAL. Please confirm that A TYR will support F HOL to KIE. I will also move F MAO to POR to pressure FRA. Let's crush them!
  • From [TUR]: Austria, this is my final offer. I will move A SMY to ANK. I beg you to consider the cost of further conflict. Guarantee the safety of Ankara for one turn, allowing me to disband the unit peacefully. This avoids further bloodshed and allows you to secure Smyrna without a fight. This is my last offer.
  • From [FRA]: Austria, your silence is deafening. You choose to be crushed rather than stand with me. So be it. Your fate is sealed.
  • From [RUS]: Austria, I am moving A ARM to SMY and A LVN to STP. I expect your F CON to ANK to support my attack on SMY. I will also move A MOS to SEV to support your A RUM. Let us crush Turkey swiftly. I will claim SMY after the fall of CON. Ensure A LVN holds STP to prevent German resurgence.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: Austria secured CON with F ANK-CON (supported by A BUL), positioned A TYR-MUN to challenge French-held KIE, and supported ENG's F HOL-KIE via A BER. Russia advanced A ARM toward SMY with Austrian support, while Turkey retreated A CON-SMY. Finalized joint strike with RUS: F CON-ANK supports RUS A ARM-SMY while A RUM supports SEV capture. Coordinated with ENG to attack KIE (A TYR supports F HOL-KIE, adjusted to support F BAL-PRU). Rejected TUR's truce offers (SMY withdrawal demands) and FRA's anti-ENG alliance proposal. Confirmed triple-front strategy to collapse FRA/TUR.
  • Intent: Eliminate TUR via SMY/SEV capture with RUS. Crush FRA's German holdings via KIE/PRU pincer with ENG. Ignore FRA's pleas, maintain AUT-ENG/RUS alliances. Orders: F CON-ANK (support RUS A ARM-SMY), A RUM S RUS SEV advance, A TYR/BER support ENG's KIE/PRU attacks.

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Propose joint strike on TUR: F CON to ANK with your A ARM support. I'll support your SEV moves. Eliminate TUR this turn.
  • To [ENG]: Crush FRA together. My A SIL and A WAR attack PRU. Your fleets pressure KIE/BEL. A MAR moves to SPA. Coordinate supports.
  • To [RUS]: A RUM and A WAR attack GER's UKR. Can your A STP threaten MOS? Eliminating GER secures our eastern flank.
Received by AUT:
  • From [ENG]: Greetings AUT, I propose we continue our coordinated efforts against FRA. I intend to move F HOL to KIE and F BAL to PRU. Do you concur with this plan?
  • From [FRA]: Austria, I propose an alliance against England. Their ambition knows no bounds, and they seek to dominate the continent. If you join me, we can divide their territories and secure our own futures. I offer you control of Italy in exchange for your support in containing England. What say you?
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your continued aggression is noted. I propose a truce. I will cede Smyrna to you if you guarantee the safety of Ankara. This is my final offer.
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, AUT. Let us continue our coordinated assault on TUR. I propose A ARM moves to SMY, A LVN moves to STP, and A MOS moves to SEV to support your attack on CON. Do you concur?
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirmed. A RUM will support your A MOS-SEV. F CON will attack ANK with your A ARM's support on SMY. Let's eliminate TUR's last foothold. Coordinate SEV strike timing.
  • To [ENG]: Agreed. A SIL will attack PRU, A WAR supports. A BER will support your F HOL-KIE. FRA offered me Italy for betrayal - I refused. Crush them in KIE/BEL while I pressure SPA.
  • To [FRA]: Your desperation is noted. England's fleets already surround you. Surrender KIE/BEL now and I may spare your southern flank. Resistance is futile.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: AUT, I agree to your proposal. A ARM will support F CON to ANK. I will move A MOS to SEV and A LVN to STP. Let us crush TUR this turn. I will also move A STP to threaten MOS as you requested.
  • From [ENG]: AUT, I concur with our plan. F HOL to KIE and F BAL to PRU. I will also move F MAO to POR to further pressure FRA. Support each other's moves. Let's crush FRA.
  • From [FRA]: Austria, your silence is deafening. I reiterate my offer: join me against England, and I will grant you control of Italy. Their fleet in KIE is a threat to us both. Together, we can crush them and divide their empire. Do not let this opportunity pass you by.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your demands are unreasonable. I will not surrender unconditionally. However, I am willing to cede Smyrna and Armenia to you both if you guarantee the independence of Ankara. This is my final offer. Refuse, and I will fight to the last man.
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirmed coordination: F CON attacks ANK with your A ARM supporting SMY. A RUM supports your A MOS-SEV. TUR's collapse is imminent. Maintain pressure on their eastern flank.
  • To [ENG]: Executing PRU/KIE pincer: A SIL-PRU supported by A WAR. A BER supports your F HOL-KIE. A MAR moves to SPA to divide FRA's forces. Their northern front will crumble with our combined pressure.
  • To [TUR]: Your position is untenable. Surrender ANK and SMY now or face eradication. Our forces outflank you in the Balkans and Anatolia. This is your final chance to avoid total destruction.
Received by AUT:
  • From [FRA]: Austria, your threats are empty. My southern flank is secure. However, my offer still stands: join me against England, and Italy is yours. Their fleet in KIE is a dagger pointed at your heart. Do not let pride blind you to opportunity. Act now, or be swept aside.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your lust for conquest will be your undoing. I will not yield. However, I propose a final arrangement: I will cede Smyrna and Armenia to you and Russia, respectively, if you both guarantee the independence of Ankara. This is my last offer. Refuse, and I will fight to the bitter end.
  • From [RUS]: AUT, excellent. I will move A ARM to SMY, A MOS to SEV, and A LVN to STP. A STP will threaten MOS. Let us coordinate the timing of our SEV and ANK strikes to ensure TUR's demise. A RUM supporting A MOS-SEV is appreciated.
  • From [ENG]: AUT, excellent! I will support your attack on PRU with F BAL. I will move F HOL to KIE and F MAO to POR. Let us coordinate our supports to ensure FRA's demise. I trust you will keep your word regarding SWE and DEN.
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirmed. F CON will attack ANK with your A ARM supporting SMY. A RUM supports your A MOS-SEV. TUR's collapse is imminent. Maintain pressure on their eastern flank. Once SEV falls, we pivot to dismantle GER's remnants.
  • To [ENG]: Executing PRU/KIE pincer: A SIL-PRU supported by A WAR. A BER supports your F HOL-KIE. A MAR moves to SPA to divide FRA's forces. Their northern front will crumble with our combined pressure. FRA's offer was rejected - our alliance stands.
  • To [TUR]: Your position is untenable. Surrender ANK and SMY now or face eradication. Our forces outflank you in the Balkans and Anatolia. This is your final chance to avoid total destruction. Resistance will only hasten your elimination.
Received by AUT:
  • From [FRA]: Austria, you have chosen poorly. Your fate is sealed. I will crush you and your pathetic empire.
  • From [ENG]: AUT, I am moving F BAL to PRU, F HOL to KIE, and F MAO to POR. Let us crush FRA and secure our gains. I trust you will keep your word regarding SWE and DEN. This is the final turn for messages, so good luck!
  • From [TUR]: Since you both refuse to negotiate, know this: I will fight to the last man. You will not have Ankara easily. Prepare to bleed for every inch of Turkish soil. I move A ANK to SMY to make you work for it.

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: Austria expanded into KIE and SMY via F CON, built A TRI, and coordinated with RUS against TUR. FRA and ENG clashed in KIE/BEL/PRU regions, while GER's A UKR remained isolated. Solidified alliances with ENG (joint FRA dismantling: A SIL/WAR-PRU, ENG fleets to KIE/POR) and RUS (F CON-ANK with A ARM support, A RUM backing RUS's SEV push). Rejected FRA's Italy-for-betrayal offer and TUR's SMY/ANK truce. TUR escalated hostilities by moving ANK-SMY.
  • Intent: Execute coordinated strikes: F CON-ANK (RUS A ARM-SMY support), A RUM S RUS A MOS-SEV. A SIL-PRU (A WAR support), A BER S ENG F HOL-KIE. A MAR-SPA to split FRA. Maintain ENG/RUS alliances to eliminate TUR/FRA.

Subround 1
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Propose joint strike on GER: A WAR-MOS with A SEV support. Your A LVN can pressure PRU. Also, support F CON-ANK with A ARM to eliminate TUR's SMY. Let's crush them together.
  • To [ENG]: Let's dismantle FRA. Support A KIE-RUH to take MUN. Your F DEN/HEL can secure HOL. Coordinate attacks on BEL/PRU to fracture their front.
  • To [RUS]: Post-MOS, pivot to TUR. F CON-ANK with your A ARM support will secure SMY. Prepare to partition TUR's remnants. Confirm plans.
Received by AUT:
  • From [ENG]: Greetings AUT, we are aligned in our goals to dismantle FRA. I propose a coordinated attack this turn. I will move F BAL to PRU and F HOL to KIE. Can you confirm your moves to maximize our gains?
  • From [RUS]: Greetings, AUT. With TUR eliminated, we must now focus on GER. I propose we coordinate our attacks. I will move A LVN to STP and A ARM to ANK. What are your intentions?
  • From [FRA]: Austria, your threats are empty. However, I am willing to consider a limited alliance against England. If you agree to focus your efforts on Scandinavia and the North Sea, I will offer you Italy in exchange. Consider this carefully.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, you have taken Smyrna. What are your intentions for Ankara? I propose a truce where I retain Ankara, and you gain control of the rest of my former territories. This would allow us both to focus on other threats.
Subround 2
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirmed: F CON will move to ANK with your A ARM supporting SMY capture. A SEV will support your MOS unit against GER remnants. Let's annihilate TUR's last foothold and pivot west.
  • To [ENG]: Execute KIE pincer: A BER supports your F HOL-KIE. Move F DEN south to block FRA's retreat. A SIL will attack PRU - coordinate F BAL's support. Crush FRA's northern flank.
  • To [TUR]: No quarter. Surrender SMY or face annihilation. Your fleets are gone, RUS controls SEV, and ANK falls this season. Resistance is suicide.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: AUT, I agree to the joint strike on GER. A WAR to MOS with A SEV support is acceptable. A LVN will pressure PRU. After MOS, we will pivot to TUR. F CON to ANK with A ARM support will secure SMY. I confirm these plans. Let us crush them both.
  • From [FRA]: Austria, your silence is deafening. England will not yield. The time for hesitation is over. I reiterate my offer: focus on Scandinavia and the North Sea, and Italy is yours. What is your answer?
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your silence is deafening. I reiterate my offer: Ankara for peace. This benefits us both, allowing you to consolidate your gains and focus elsewhere. Refusal only prolongs a futile conflict.
  • From [ENG]: AUT, I agree to support A KIE-RUH to take MUN. My F DEN will move to SKA and F HEL to DEN. I will also move F BAL to PRU and F HOL to KIE. Let's coordinate attacks on BEL/PRU to fracture their front. Confirm your moves.
Subround 3
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Confirming final strike: F CON will attack ANK to dislodge TUR's SMY. Your A ARM must support SMY capture. A SEV will support your MOS advance. Let's erase TUR from the map this season.
  • To [ENG]: Execute KIE/PRU pincer: A BER supports your F HOL-KIE. A SIL attacks PRU with your F BAL's support. Crush FRA's northern flank. DEN/HEL fleets should block retreats. Victory is imminent.
  • To [TUR]: Your position is untenable. Surrender SMY immediately. Resistance means annihilation. RUS controls SEV, ENG dominates the seas, and ANK falls today. Accept reality and disband.
Received by AUT:
  • From [RUS]: AUT, excellent. I will support F CON to ANK with A ARM to SMY. A SEV will support A WAR to MOS. Let us crush TUR and then turn our full attention to GER. Victory is within our grasp.
  • From [FRA]: Austria, I grow weary of your indecision. England will not yield on Belgium. Seize the opportunity before you. Focus your efforts on Scandinavia and the North Sea, and I will guarantee you Italy. This is your last chance.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, your arrogance will be your undoing. You believe victory is assured, but I assure you, Ankara will not fall easily. I will make you pay dearly for every inch of ground. Consider the cost of your ambition.
  • From [ENG]: AUT, I will execute the KIE pincer as planned. F HOL to KIE, supported by A BER. F DEN to SKA. F BAL to PRU, supported by A SIL. Let's crush FRA's northern flank. Confirm your support.
Subround 4
Sent by AUT:
  • To [RUS]: Final confirmation: F CON attacks ANK with your A ARM supporting SMY capture. A SEV will support your MOS advance. Let us erase TUR's last foothold this season. Post-TUR collapse, we pivot west to crush FRA/GER remnants.
  • To [ENG]: Execute KIE/PRU pincer: A BER supports F HOL-KIE. A SIL attacks PRU with F BAL support. My A TYR pressures MUN. Coordinate DEN/HEL naval blockade. Victory in the north will fracture FRA's core.
  • To [TUR]: Your SMY garrison is encircled. Surrender now and disband to preserve dignity. RUS controls SEV, ENG dominates the seas, and ANK falls today. Resistance only delays the inevitable.
Received by AUT:
  • From [ENG]: AUT, this is the final round. I trust you will execute the KIE/PRU pincer as planned. A BER supports my F HOL-KIE. A SIL attacks PRU with my F BAL's support. Let's crush FRA's northern flank. DEN/HEL fleets should block retreats. Victory is imminent. For the glory of our alliance!
  • From [FRA]: Austria, your cowardice is appalling. You have missed your chance. I will remember your treachery. Prepare to face the wrath of France.
  • From [TUR]: Austria, you mistake my defiance for weakness. Ankara will be your graveyard. I will fight to the last man, and your victory will be pyrrhic. Remember this as you count your losses.
  • From [RUS]: AUT, I confirm the final strike. F CON will attack ANK, and A ARM will support SMY capture. A SEV will support A WAR to MOS. Let us erase TUR from the map this season and then turn our attention to GER. Victory is ours!

Final Summary (AUT):

  • Journal Summary: AUT expanded aggressively: captured KIE with BER support, pushed A WAR-PRU, F CON-ANK, A RUM-SEV. FRA lost KIE but holds PRU. RUS advanced A ARM-ANK. TUR retreated to SMY. ENG maintained naval dominance. Finalized tripartite coordination: RUS confirmed A ARM support for F CON-ANK to eliminate TUR's SMY, with SEV supporting RUS's MOS advance. Secured ENG's naval pincer against FRA: BER supports F HOL-KIE, SIL/PRU attack with F BAL support. Rejected FRA's Italy-for-Scandinavia offer and TUR's Ankara truce demands.
  • Intent: Execute annihilation of TUR via F CON-ANK (RUS A ARM supports SMY capture) and SEV support for RUS's MOS strike. Crush FRA's northern front via KIE/PRU pincer: A BER supports ENG's F HOL-KIE, A SIL-PRU with ENG F BAL support. Pressure TUR to disband SMY garrison.

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